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 Justin Thiele We livestreamed it on Mugasha! Matt Darey Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele Alissa's first time seeing Bright Eyes, I think. Also, I realize that I need glasses :) Bright Eyes / Spoon / Willy Mason / David Dondero Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele Maybe the loudest show I've ever been to? Explosions was ridiculously loud, and Mr. 1986 maybe even louder. Ears ring for. ev. er. Explosions in the Sky / Mr. 1986 / Adem Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele I street teamed for the show (hung up posters). The Fire Theft / The Jealous Sound Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele I got a broken drum stick, lol. Better Than Ezra Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele OMG great show. The Flaming Lips / Sonic Youth / The Magic Numbers Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele Probably the worst show I ever saw. Went with John and the bar was super loud (Monday Night Football?) and you couldn't hear Owen play. He got pissed and asked if anybody just wanted to do Karoeke. Also Owen/Mike Kinsella cut out a Conor Oberst picture from a magazine and made it into a mask he wore at the beginning. Here's a blow-by-blow recap of the night: Owen / Sound of Rails Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele My first *real* concert ever! Fugazi / Her Flyaway Manner Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele Road trip to Lawrence. First time hanging out with Alissa <3! And Jeni! The Appleseed Cast / Santo Gold / Laredo / 7 Mile Drive Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele Road trip with John to visit Lucas in Denver. Amiina / Sigur Rós Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele Road trip with John to go visit Lucas. The Dismemberment Plan / Engine Down Nov 26, 2013
 Justin Thiele Road trip to Lawrence, with John. Hayden / OK, Jones Nov 26, 2013