Counterparts / Zao / Merauder / No Cure / The Callous Daoboys

Furnace Fest ‘24 Kickoff Party

Oct 3, 2024 (5 months ago)

The Soundstage at Workplay     Birmingham, Alabama, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Thursday, October 03, 2024
The Soundstage at Workplay
Birmingham, Alabama, United States

Genres Seen

Metalcore 5 bands


Hardcore 5 bands


Deathcore 2 bands


Hardcore Punk 2 bands

Hardcore Punk:

Melodic Metalcore 2 bands

Melodic Metalcore:

Metal 2 bands


Post-Hardcore 2 bands


Screamo 2 bands


Straight Edge 2 bands

Straight Edge:

Metallic Hardcore 2 bands

Metallic Hardcore:

Christian Rock 1 band

Christian Rock:

Death Metal 1 band

Death Metal:

Electronic 1 band


Experimental 1 band


Groove Metal 1 band

Groove Metal:

Mathcore 1 band


Melodic Hardcore 1 band

Melodic Hardcore:

Pop Punk 1 band

Pop Punk:

Sasscore 1 band


Canadian 1 band


Show more genres


Counterparts setlist:
  1. Love Me
  2. Choke
  3. Bound to the Burn
  4. No Servant of Mine
  5. What Mirrors Might Reflect
  6. Flesh to Fill Your Wounds
  7. Your Own Knife
  8. Stranger
  9. Wings of Nightmares
  10. Paradise and Plague
  11. Sworn to Silence
  12. Unwavering Vow
  13. Monument
  14. 07/26/2020
  15. Whispers of Your Death
Zao setlist:
  1. Into the Jaws of Dread
  2. Ship of Theseus
  3. Breath of the Black Muse
  4. The Rising End (The First Prophecy)
  5. Pudgy Young Blondes With Lobotomy Eyes
  6. Croatoan
  7. Xenophobe
  8. Lies of Serpents, a River of Tears
  9. 5 Year Winter
  10. The Ghost Psalm
Merauder setlist:
  1. Time Ends
  2. Ratcatcher
  3. Downfall of Christ
  4. Take by Force
  5. Mirror Shows Black
  6. Find My Way
  7. Master Killer
  8. Life Is Pain
No Cure setlist:
  1. Self Preservation
  2. Embrace Death
  3. Cursed from Birth
  4. Second Skin
  5. Slumped In the House of God
  6. Laceration Divine
  7. No Cure Straight Edge Die Slow Fuck You
  8. Parasite (TWO SHOTS)
  9. The Final Truth
The Callous Daoboys setlist:
  1. Tia Tamera
  2. Fake Dinosaur Bones
  3. Pushing the Pink Envelope
  4. Star Baby
  5. Violent Astrology
  6. What Is Delicious? Who Swarms?
  7. Blackberry DeLorean
  8. A Brief Article Regarding Time Loops
  9. When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong


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Counterparts / Zao / Merauder / No Cure / The Callous Daoboys on Oct 3, 2024 [437-small]

  Uploaded by Mjhudson81

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