
Aug 14, 2017 (7 years ago)

Starplex Pavillion     Dallas, Texas, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Monday, August 14, 2017
Starplex Pavillion
Dallas, Texas, United States

Genres Seen

Acoustic Rock, Alternative Metal, Alternative Rock, Funk Metal, Funk Rock, Indie, Indie Rock, Metal, Nu Metal, Pop Rock, Post-Grunge, Rock, Alternative, and Modern Rock.


Incubus setlist:
  1. Love in a Time of Surveillance
  2. Warning
  3. Nimble Bastard
  4. Anna Molly
  5. Glitterbomb
  6. Megalomaniac
  7. The Warmth
  8. Wish You Were Here
  9. State of the Art
  10. Pardon Me
  11. Drive
  12. Undefeated
  13. Pantomime
  14. Dig
  15. Sick Sad Little World
  16. Pistola
  17. Loneliest
  18. Stellar
  19. No Fun
  20. Make No Sound in the Digital Forest
  21. Nice to Know You
  22. Aqueous Transmission


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 Britt Beard

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