3 Doors Down / Candlebox

Jul 23, 2023 (1 year ago)

Centene Stadium     Great Falls, Montana, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Sunday, July 23, 2023
Centene Stadium
Great Falls, Montana, United States

Genres Seen

Alternative Metal 2 bands

Alternative Metal:

Alternative Rock 2 bands

Alternative Rock:

Nu Metal 2 bands

Nu Metal:

Pop Rock 2 bands

Pop Rock:

Post-Grunge 2 bands


Rock 2 bands


Alternative 2 bands


Acoustic Rock 1 band

Acoustic Rock:

Grunge 1 band


Hard Rock 1 band

Hard Rock:

Southern Rock 1 band

Southern Rock:

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3 Doors Down setlist:
  1. Pop Song
  2. When I'm Gone
  3. Away From the Sun
  4. The Road I'm On
  5. Ticket to Heaven
  6. Let Me Go
  7. Running Out of Days
  8. Here Without You
  9. I Feel You
  10. It's Not My Time
  11. Be Like That
  12. Duck and Run
  13. Dangerous Game
  14. Changes
  15. Loser
  16. Sarah Yellin'
  17. Landing in London
  18. Kryptonite
Candlebox setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 07/21/2023), which may be similar:
  1. "Don't You"
  2. Change
  3. Blossom
  4. "No Sense"
  5. Punks
  6. Arrow
  7. "Mothers Dream"
  8. "He Calls Home"
  9. "Cover Me"
  10. "Far Behind"
  11. You


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 Brad Mouland
 Kobe Garcia

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