Villebillies's 2007 Concert History

Hailing from Louisville, Kentucky, the Villebillies are the latest in a now rich lineage of credible artists from the south. A mighty crew numbering nine in all, they stand as a testament to the binding cohesiveness of great music. Ignoring genre boundaries the Villebillies cross-pollinate country and pop, hip hop and southern whiskey rock, and what's more they're clearly having a ball doing it - as their live shows have proved attracting a diverse yet dedicated fan base.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jan 18, 2007
Villebillies Rick's Cafe Starkville, Mississippi, United States
Hip Hop
Southern Rock
Rap Rock
Rap Metal
Country Hip Hop
Show more genres
2016 1 concert
2008 1 concert
2007 41 concerts
2006 29 concerts
2005 1 concert
 Sarah Schaid
 Jim Mc Farlane
 Scot Carson

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