Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam also known as M.I.A., (born 18 July 1975 in Hounslow, London, U.K.) is a British artist of Sri Lankan Tamil descent. As a baby she moved with her family to their native Sri Lanka, where her father became increasingly politically active in militant activities. As the Civil War escalated the rest of the family was forced to flee as refugees, first to India and then the UK. “M.I.A.” [“Missing In Action”] references both her London neighborhood (Acton) and her politically tumultuous youth.
M.I.A. / Matt and Kim / Dr. Dog / Black Lips / We Are Scientists / Noisettes / White Rabbits / New York Dolls / Cursive / Voxtrot / The Twilight Sad / Detroit Cobras / Elvis Perkins / Lavender Diamond
"Siren Music Festival" / Elvis Perkins In Dearland / Noisettes / Cursive / The Black Lips / The Detroit Cobras / M.I.A. / Voxtrot / We Are Scientists / Matt and Kim / New York Dolls / White Rabbits / The Twilight Sad / Dr. Dog / Lavender Diamond
Adele / Calvin Harris / The Killers / Arctic Monkeys / Arcade Fire / The Kooks / Mark Ronson / The Who / M.I.A. / Modest Mouse / Lily Allen / Kasabian / Cold War Kids / Chemical Brothers / Bloc Party / Björk / Fatboy Slim / Damien Rice / Hot Chip / Mika / Kaiser Chiefs / Paolo Nutini / Beirut / Bright Eyes / James Morrison / The Fratellis / Corinne Bailey Rae / Pendulum / Biffy Clyro / Editors / KT Tunstall / Four Tet / Kate Nash / Madness / Laura Marling / K'naan / Rufus Wainwright / Bat For Lashes / Joss Stone / Gossip / Manic Street Preachers / Jamie T / The Maccabees / Mr. Scruff / Klaxons / Paul Weller / Tokyo Police Club / Damian 'Jr Gong' Marley / The New Pornographers / The Horrors / Steve Earle / Maxïmo Park / Amy Macdonald / The Coral / Gogol Bordello / Hard-Fi / Rodrigo y Gabriela / The Stooges / Enter Shikari / Simian Mobile Disco / Trentemøller / Chumbawamba / Smokey Robinson / Newton Faulkner / CSS / Fat Freddy's Drop / Babyshambles / Spiritualized / Billy Bragg / The Cribs / The Cat Empire / Noisettes / Aqualung / The Waterboys / John Fogerty / The Pigeon Detectives / The Go! Team / Los Campesinos! / Just Jack / The Hold Steady / Lisa Hannigan / Sasha / The View / shirley bassey / Mark Lanegan / Super Furry Animals / Jack Peñate / The Magic Numbers / Seasick Steve / The Enemy / Lethal Bizzle / The English Beat / The Black Ghosts / Koop / Squarepusher / Iggy & the Stooges / Martha Wainwright / Charlene Soraia / The Good, The Bad And The Queen / Guillemots / Tinariwen / Reverend and The Makers / Nick Lowe / Dirty Pretty Things / Peter Doherty / Johnny Marr / The Automatic / GusGus / Richie Havens / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / Holy Fuck / Willy Mason / Patrick Wolf / Aim / Josh Pyke / Gruff Rhys / Mumm-Ra / Fionn Regan / The Rakes / Tunng / Amy Winehouse / King Creosote / Sandi Thom / Ed Harcourt / Buraka Som Sistema / Emmy the Great / The Twang / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Dreadzone / Catch 22 / The Little Ones / The Rumble Strips / The King Blues / Akala / Timo Maas / Scott Matthews / A Guy Called Gerald / Good Shoes / Bonde do Rolê / Cherry Ghost / Hothouse Flowers / The Holloways / The Pipettes / Para One / Husky Rescue / Tim Deluxe / nizlopi / Young Knives / Richard Swift / Plump DJs / Eric Bibb / Ross Copperman / The Sunshine Underground / Julie Fowlis / Natty / The Saw Doctors / Micah P. Hinson / Mad Professor / Amp Fiddler / The Long Blondes / Get Well Soon / Little Barrie / Seth Lakeman / Quest / Midival Punditz / Max Sedgley / Corb Lund / ozric tentacles / Infadels / Beans on Toast / The Hours / Adem / Oi Va Voi / Catherine Feeny / Adam Freeland / Annuals / Steve Forbert / The Deadbeats / Hyper / Steve Lawler / Damien Dempsey / Bellowhead / Riz MC / Nick Warren / Duke Special / Lemon / The Aliens / Lou Rhodes / Shitdisco / Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band / Heights / Creedence Clearwater Revival / Peter And The Wolf / Brakes / Moya Brennan / Mr. Hudson & The Library / The Wurzels / Cajun Dance Party / Surgeon / Eat Static / Hexstatic / Republic Of Loose / Switches / Dr Meaker / Disco Ensemble / Show of Hands / Mahala Rai Banda / Danny Howells / The Blood Arm / Soil & Pimp Sessions / Phil Kieran / Chas 'n' Dave / Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo / Hafdis Huld / Kila / The Earlies / James Lavelle / Cap'tain / The High Wire / The Men They Couldn't Hang / Soul Survivors / Soweto Kinch / T-bone / The Bees (UK) / Africa Express / Charlotte Hatherley / zZz / Bimbo Jones / CUD / Remi Nicole / El Presidente / Liz Green / Ruarri Joseph / Andy Cato / Martha Tilston / Euros Childs / Glenn Tilbrook / Kid Harpoon / Toumani Diabaté's Symmetric Orchestra / John Otway / Vertigo / Larrikin Love / Corb Lund & the Hurtin' Albertans / Leon Jean-Marie / The Bootleg Beatles / You Say Party! / Shitmat / The Hummingbirds / The Neville Staple Band / Urban Myth Club / Marc Vedo / Pee Wee Ellis / Candie Payne / Jeff Lang / Joe Driscoll / Tiny Dancers / The Thirst / Breakfastaz / Kubichek! / Iration Steppas / Rennie Pilgrem / 3 Daft Monkeys / The Epstein / Slovo / Look See Proof / Neck / Jim Bob / Babyhead / Soothsayers / Hiromi's Sonicbloom / DJ Ghost / Pama International / Circulus / Very Be Careful / Ralfe Band / Jack L / La Kinky Beat / Long Range / Bandish Projekt / Liam Ó Maonlaí / The Grim Northern Social / Nasio Fontaine / Alloy Mental / David Saw / Daddy G / DJ HYBRiD / Mirror System / Storys / Habakuk / Subsource / Jersey Budd / Forty Thieves Orkestar / Pauline Scanlon / Adjagas / The Rushes / Die And Clipz / Rhoda Dakar / Sean Taylor / Back To The Planet / Fear of Music / Bays / No Lay / Plaza De Funk / The Zen Hussies / Flipron / Gear / Voodoo Trombone Quartet / Hayley Hutchinson / Ben & Lex / Yoda / Big Strides / Iain Ballamy / Devils Gun / Ghost Cat / Subgiant / Ox.Eagle.Lion.Man / Kharma 45 / Hearin' Aid / Caged Baby / Prod / Rhythm-ites / Mark Edwards / Fortune Drive / Tarantism / Dan Donnelly / The Lea Shores / National Youth Orchestra / dumb blonde / The John E Vistic Experience / Dub From Atlantis / The Mentalists / Kenji Williams / Nigel Mazlyn Jones / Jim Masters / Uncle Buck / Nerm / The Dylan Project / The Poise Rite / Tom Real Vs the Rogue Element / System Seven / Kava Kava / Asian Dub Foundation Sound System / polichinelle / Ganga Girl / Dubrovnik / Tacto Latino / Ccq / DJ Don Letts / Ben Waters Band / Feluka / Hedge Monkey / The Avalonian Free State Choir / MC C / Rodney Brannigan / The Winding Stair / Meat Katie Vj Anyone / Mr Bojangles' Moustache / Robin & Bena Williamson / Sargeant / Bourbon Warfare Djs / Atomic Hooligan And Jay Cunning / It's Bigger Than / Men In Masks / Simon Atkinson and the Ben Marcato Trio / DJ Wombat / The Young Republics / Bobby Kray & Dennis Bovell / Sugadaddy / Blue Bullet / Mrung / General Midi & Mc Jakes / D Rameriz / Jerona Fruits / Live Uberzone / DJ Andy Barlow / We Dont Play
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Adele / Calvin Harris / The Killers / Arctic Monkeys / Arcade Fire / The Kooks / Mark Ronson / The Who / M.I.A. / Modest Mouse / Lily Allen / Kasabian / Chemical Brothers / Cold War Kids / Bloc Party / Björk / Fatboy Slim / Mika / Paolo Nutini / Damien Rice / Hot Chip / Kaiser Chiefs / Beirut / Bright Eyes / James Morrison / The Fratellis / Corinne Bailey Rae / Pendulum / Biffy Clyro / Editors / KT Tunstall / Four Tet / Madness / Laura Marling / Kate Nash / K'naan / Rufus Wainwright / Manic Street Preachers / Joss Stone / Bat For Lashes / Gossip / Jamie T / The Maccabees / Mr. Scruff / Klaxons / Paul Weller / Tokyo Police Club / Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley / The New Pornographers / The Horrors / Steve Earle / Amy Macdonald / Maxïmo Park / The Coral / The Stooges / Enter Shikari / Gogol Bordello / Rodrigo y Gabriela / Trentemøller / Hard-Fi / Simian Mobile Disco / Fat Freddy's Drop / Smokey Robinson / Chumbawamba / Newton Faulkner / Spiritualized / CSS / Babyshambles / Billy Bragg / The Cat Empire / The Cribs / Noisettes / The Waterboys / John Fogerty / Aqualung / The Pigeon Detectives / Los Campesinos! / The Go! Team / Lisa Hannigan / Just Jack / Sasha / The Hold Steady / shirley bassey / The View / Super Furry Animals / Jack Peñate / Mark Lanegan / Seasick Steve / The Magic Numbers / The Enemy / The English Beat / Squarepusher / Lethal Bizzle / Koop / The Black Ghosts / Iggy & the Stooges / Tinariwen / Martha Wainwright / Charlene Soraia / The Good, The Bad And The Queen / Guillemots / Nick Lowe / Johnny Marr / Peter Doherty / Reverend and The Makers / The Automatic / Dirty Pretty Things / GusGus / Richie Havens / Holy Fuck / Aim / Willy Mason / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / Patrick Wolf / Josh Pyke / Gruff Rhys / Fionn Regan / Mumm-Ra / The Rakes / Tunng / King Creosote / Amy Winehouse / Sandi Thom / Buraka Som Sistema / Ed Harcourt / The Twang / Emmy the Great / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Catch 22 / Dreadzone / The King Blues / Akala / The Little Ones / The Rumble Strips / Timo Maas / A Guy Called Gerald / Scott Matthews / Good Shoes / Hothouse Flowers / Bonde do Rolê / Cherry Ghost / The Holloways / The Pipettes / Para One / Tim Deluxe / Husky Rescue / nizlopi / Richard Swift / Young Knives / Eric Bibb / The Saw Doctors / Ross Copperman / Julie Fowlis / Plump DJs / Natty / The Sunshine Underground / Mad Professor / Micah P. Hinson / Amp Fiddler / Corb Lund / Get Well Soon / The Long Blondes / Seth Lakeman / Little Barrie / ozric tentacles / Quest / Beans on Toast / Midival Punditz / Max Sedgley / Oi Va Voi / Infadels / Catherine Feeny / Damien Dempsey / The Hours / Adem / Steve Forbert / Hyper / Adam Freeland / Steve Lawler / Annuals / The Deadbeats / Nick Warren / Bellowhead / Riz MC / Lemon / Duke Special / The Aliens / Lou Rhodes / Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band / Shitdisco / Heights / Creedence Clearwater Revival / The Wurzels / Moya Brennan / Brakes / Peter And The Wolf / Surgeon / Mr. Hudson & The Library / Eat Static / Hexstatic / Cajun Dance Party / Republic Of Loose / Switches / Dr Meaker / Show of Hands / Disco Ensemble / Soil & Pimp Sessions / Mahala Rai Banda / Danny Howells / Kila / Phil Kieran / Hafdis Huld / The Blood Arm / Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo / Chas 'n' Dave / Africa Express / The Earlies / James Lavelle / Cap'tain / The Men They Couldn't Hang / The High Wire / Soweto Kinch / T-bone / Soul Survivors / zZz / The Bees (UK) / Charlotte Hatherley / CUD / Bimbo Jones / El Presidente / Remi Nicole / Liz Green / Ruarri Joseph / Martha Tilston / Glenn Tilbrook / Andy Cato / Euros Childs / Kid Harpoon / John Otway / Vertigo / Toumani Diabaté's Symmetric Orchestra / The Bootleg Beatles / Larrikin Love / Corb Lund & the Hurtin' Albertans / Shitmat / The Hummingbirds / Leon Jean-Marie / You Say Party! / The Neville Staple Band / Urban Myth Club / Marc Vedo / Jeff Lang / Candie Payne / Iration Steppas / Pee Wee Ellis / Joe Driscoll / The Thirst / Breakfastaz / Tiny Dancers / 3 Daft Monkeys / Rennie Pilgrem / Kubichek! / Jim Bob / Slovo / The Epstein / Soothsayers / DJ Ghost / Hiromi's Sonicbloom / Babyhead / Neck / Look See Proof / Very Be Careful / Pama International / Circulus / Ralfe Band / Jack L / La Kinky Beat / Bandish Projekt / Long Range / Liam Ó Maonlaí / DJ HYBRiD / The Grim Northern Social / Nasio Fontaine / David Saw / Alloy Mental / Mirror System / Daddy G / Habakuk / Pauline Scanlon / Storys / Rhoda Dakar / Adjagas / Subsource / Jersey Budd / The Rushes / Forty Thieves Orkestar / Sean Taylor / Die And Clipz / Back To The Planet / Fear of Music / Bays / No Lay / Plaza De Funk / Gear / Flipron / The Zen Hussies / Voodoo Trombone Quartet / Hayley Hutchinson / Yoda / Ben & Lex / Iain Ballamy / Big Strides / Devils Gun / Subgiant / Ghost Cat / Ox.Eagle.Lion.Man / Hearin' Aid / Kharma 45 / Prod / Mark Edwards / Caged Baby / Rhythm-ites / Tarantism / Fortune Drive / Dan Donnelly / The Lea Shores / National Youth Orchestra / The John E Vistic Experience / dumb blonde / Dub From Atlantis / The Mentalists / Kenji Williams / Nigel Mazlyn Jones / Jim Masters / The Dylan Project / Uncle Buck / The Poise Rite / Nerm / Asian Dub Foundation Sound System / Tom Real Vs the Rogue Element / System Seven / Kava Kava / polichinelle / Ccq / Dubrovnik / Ganga Girl / Ben Waters Band / Feluka / Tacto Latino / The Avalonian Free State Choir / Rodney Brannigan / MC C / Hedge Monkey / Robin & Bena Williamson / DJ Don Letts / Atomic Hooligan And Jay Cunning / Men In Masks / Mr Bojangles' Moustache / The Winding Stair / It's Bigger Than / Sargeant / Simon Atkinson and the Ben Marcato Trio / Bourbon Warfare Djs / DJ Wombat / Meat Katie Vj Anyone / We Dont Play / Blue Bullet / Sugadaddy / Jerona Fruits / DJ Andy Barlow / Live Uberzone / D Rameriz / General Midi & Mc Jakes / Mrung / Bobby Kray & Dennis Bovell / The Young Republics
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Adele / Calvin Harris / Arctic Monkeys / The Killers / Arcade Fire / The Kooks / Mark Ronson / The Who / M.I.A. / Modest Mouse / Lily Allen / Kasabian / Chemical Brothers / Cold War Kids / Bloc Party / Björk / Fatboy Slim / Paolo Nutini / Mika / Damien Rice / Kaiser Chiefs / Hot Chip / Beirut / Bright Eyes / James Morrison / The Fratellis / Corinne Bailey Rae / Pendulum / Biffy Clyro / Editors / Four Tet / KT Tunstall / Madness / Laura Marling / Kate Nash / K'naan / Rufus Wainwright / Manic Street Preachers / Joss Stone / Jamie T / Bat For Lashes / Gossip / The Maccabees / Mr. Scruff / Klaxons / Paul Weller / Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley / Tokyo Police Club / The New Pornographers / Steve Earle / The Horrors / Amy Macdonald / Maxïmo Park / The Coral / Enter Shikari / The Stooges / Rodrigo y Gabriela / Gogol Bordello / Fat Freddy's Drop / Trentemøller / Hard-Fi / Simian Mobile Disco / Smokey Robinson / Chumbawamba / Newton Faulkner / Spiritualized / Billy Bragg / Babyshambles / The Cat Empire / CSS / The Waterboys / The Cribs / Noisettes / John Fogerty / Aqualung / The Pigeon Detectives / Los Campesinos! / The Go! Team / Lisa Hannigan / shirley bassey / Just Jack / Sasha / The Hold Steady / The View / Super Furry Animals / Jack Peñate / Seasick Steve / The Magic Numbers / Mark Lanegan / The Enemy / Squarepusher / The English Beat / Lethal Bizzle / Tinariwen / Koop / The Black Ghosts / Iggy & the Stooges / Martha Wainwright / The Good, The Bad And The Queen / Charlene Soraia / The Automatic / Nick Lowe / Guillemots / Johnny Marr / Peter Doherty / Reverend and the Makers / GusGus / Dirty Pretty Things / Richie Havens / Holy Fuck / Aim / Willy Mason / Patrick Wolf / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / Josh Pyke / Gruff Rhys / Fionn Regan / Mumm-Ra / The Rakes / Tunng / King Creosote / Amy Winehouse / Sandi Thom / Buraka Som Sistema / The Twang / Ed Harcourt / Catch 22 / Dreadzone / Emmy the Great / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Akala / The King Blues / Timo Maas / Good Shoes / The Little Ones / The Rumble Strips / Scott Matthews / Hothouse Flowers / A Guy Called Gerald / Cherry Ghost / Bonde do Rolê / The Holloways / Para One / The Pipettes / Tim Deluxe / The Saw Doctors / Husky Rescue / nizlopi / Richard Swift / Julie Fowlis / Eric Bibb / Young Knives / Ross Copperman / Plump DJs / Natty / Micah P. Hinson / Corb Lund / Mad Professor / The Sunshine Underground / ozric tentacles / Amp Fiddler / Seth Lakeman / Get Well Soon / Little Barrie / The Long Blondes / Beans on Toast / Quest / Midival Punditz / Oi Va Voi / Max Sedgley / Damien Dempsey / Infadels / Hyper / Catherine Feeny / Steve Forbert / The Hours / Adem / Adam Freeland / Steve Lawler / Nick Warren / The Deadbeats / Annuals / Bellowhead / Lemon / Riz MC / Duke Special / The Aliens / Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band / Lou Rhodes / Shitdisco / Heights / The Wurzels / Creedence Clearwater Revival / Surgeon / Moya Brennan / Brakes / Peter And The Wolf / Eat Static / Mr. Hudson & The Library / Republic Of Loose / Hexstatic / Cajun Dance Party / Switches / Dr Meaker / Show of Hands / Soil & Pimp Sessions / Disco Ensemble / Kila / Mahala Rai Banda / Africa Express / Danny Howells / Hafdis Huld / Phil Kieran / The Blood Arm / Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo / Chas 'n' Dave / The Earlies / James Lavelle / The Men They Couldn't Hang / Cap'tain / zZz / The High Wire / Soweto Kinch / T-bone / Soul Survivors / CUD / Charlotte Hatherley / The Bees (UK) / Bimbo Jones / El Presidente / Remi Nicole / Liz Green / Martha Tilston / Andy Cato / Ruarri Joseph / Glenn Tilbrook / Euros Childs / Kid Harpoon / John Otway / Vertigo / Toumani Diabaté's Symmetric Orchestra / The Bootleg Beatles / Larrikin Love / Shitmat / Corb Lund & the Hurtin' Albertans / The Hummingbirds / Leon Jean-Marie / You Say Party! / Iration Steppas / The Neville Staple Band / Urban Myth Club / The Thirst / Marc Vedo / Jeff Lang / Candie Payne / Jim Bob / Pee Wee Ellis / Rennie Pilgrem / Joe Driscoll / 3 Daft Monkeys / Breakfastaz / Tiny Dancers / Kubichek! / Soothsayers / Slovo / The Epstein / Hiromi's Sonicbloom / Babyhead / DJ Ghost / Neck / Very Be Careful / Look See Proof / Pama International / Ralfe Band / La Kinky Beat / Circulus / Jack L / Bandish Projekt / DJ HYBRiD / Liam Ó Maonlaí / Long Range / Nasio Fontaine / The Grim Northern Social / Alloy Mental / Rhoda Dakar / David Saw / Pauline Scanlon / Mirror System / Daddy G / Habakuk / Storys / Adjagas / Jersey Budd / Subsource / The Rushes / Forty Thieves Orkestar / Sean Taylor / Back To The Planet / Die And Clipz / Fear of Music / Bays / No Lay / Plaza De Funk / Gear / Flipron / The Zen Hussies / Voodoo Trombone Quartet / Hayley Hutchinson / Yoda / Iain Ballamy / Ben & Lex / Big Strides / Devils Gun / Subgiant / Ghost Cat / Ox.Eagle.Lion.Man / Hearin' Aid / Kharma 45 / Prod / Rhythm-ites / Tarantism / Mark Edwards / Caged Baby / Fortune Drive / Dan Donnelly / The Lea Shores / National Youth Orchestra / dumb blonde / Dub From Atlantis / The John E Vistic Experience / The Mentalists / Kenji Williams / Nigel Mazlyn Jones / Jim Masters / Asian Dub Foundation Sound System / The Dylan Project / Nerm / The Poise Rite / Uncle Buck / Tom Real Vs the Rogue Element / System Seven / Kava Kava / polichinelle / Dubrovnik / Ganga Girl / Tacto Latino / Feluka / Ben Waters Band / Ccq / DJ Don Letts / Hedge Monkey / The Avalonian Free State Choir / Meat Katie Vj Anyone / Robin & Bena Williamson / DJ Wombat / Bourbon Warfare Djs / Simon Atkinson and the Ben Marcato Trio / Sargeant / MC C / It's Bigger Than / The Winding Stair / Mr Bojangles' Moustache / Men In Masks / Rodney Brannigan / Atomic Hooligan And Jay Cunning / The Young Republics / Bobby Kray & Dennis Bovell / Mrung / General Midi & Mc Jakes / D Rameriz / Live Uberzone / DJ Andy Barlow / Jerona Fruits / Sugadaddy / Blue Bullet / We Dont Play
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"Rock am Ring" / Hinder / Dragonforce / Chimaira / The Kooks / Pohlmann / Paolo Nutini / Megadeth / Down Below / Revolverheld / Dave Matthews Band / In This Moment / Sunrise Avenue / Wir sind Helden / Die Ärzte / Maximo Park / Breed 77 / Amy Winehouse / Mcqueen / Travis / M.I.A. / As I Lay Dying / Turbostaat / Colbie Caillat / Good Charlotte / Finley / DevilDriver / Kilians / Korn / Scissor Sisters / Velvet Revolver / The Ghosts
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Arctic Monkeys / Muse / Linkin Park / The Kooks / The Smashing Pumpkins / M.I.A. / Evanescence / Korn / Thirty Seconds to Mars / Dave Matthews Band / Papa Roach / Colbie Caillat / My Chemical Romance / Good Charlotte / Paolo Nutini / Kaiser Chiefs / Megadeth / The Fratellis / Stone Sour / Wolfmother / The Used / Slayer / Scissor Sisters / Hinder / Killswitch Engage / The Hives / Travis / Lamb Of God / Razorlight / Billy Talent / Silverstein / Machine Head / Maxïmo Park / Dragonforce / Velvet Revolver / Enter Shikari / Gogol Bordello / As I Lay Dying / The Cribs / The Cat Empire / The Pigeon Detectives / Mando Diao / Funeral for a Friend / Die Ärzte / Chimaira / Beatsteaks / The White Stripes / Amy Winehouse / Jan Delay / Type O Negative / Wir sind Helden / Zoot Woman / Under the Influence of Giants / Fair To Midland / The Higher / Little Man Tate / Ghosts / Bloodsimple / Mr. Hudson & The Library / Pohlmann / Disco Ensemble / Kilians / Finley / Breed 77 / Sugarplum Fairy / Tele / Mcqueen / Rafael Weber
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Arctic Monkeys / Muse / Paramore / Linkin Park / The Kooks / The Smashing Pumpkins / M.I.A. / Evanescence / Korn / Thirty Seconds to Mars / Papa Roach / Colbie Caillat / Good Charlotte / Kaiser Chiefs / Paolo Nutini / My Chemical Romance / Megadeth / The Fratellis / Wolfmother / Stone Sour / The Used / Groove Armada / Scissor Sisters / Slayer / Bowling For Soup / Hinder / The Hives / Killswitch Engage / Lamb Of God / Razorlight / Flogging Molly / Billy Talent / Silverstein / MuteMath / In This Moment / Machine Head / Maxïmo Park / Velvet Revolver / Gogol Bordello / Dragonforce / Enter Shikari / The Cribs / As I Lay Dying / The Cat Empire / Saosin / Mando Diao / The Sounds / DevilDriver / Funeral for a Friend / Head Automatica / Die Ärzte / Beatsteaks / Chimaira / Sunrise Avenue / Gallows / The White Stripes / Aiden / Jan Delay / Type O Negative / From Autumn to Ashes / Wir sind Helden / Revolverheld / Zoot Woman / Under the Influence of Giants / Fair To Midland / The Higher / Little Man Tate / Ghosts / Lez Zeppelin / Bloodsimple / Mr. Hudson & The Library / Pohlmann / Disco Ensemble / Ohrbooten / Kilians / Breed 77 / Finley / Turbostaat / Sugarplum Fairy / Charlotte Hatherley / LostAlone / Tele / Smoke Blow / One Fine Day / Mcqueen / Down Below / Jan Delay & Disko No. 1 / Marvel Hill / Miasma / KiLiAn / My Baby Wants To Eat Your Pussy / Hesslers
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Arcade Fire / M.I.A. / Grizzly Bear / Interpol / Björk / Spoon / St. Vincent / Manu Chao / The Dandy Warhols / Citizen Cope / Michael Franti & Spearhead / Tokyo Police Club / Beastie Boys / Neko Case / Blitzen Trapper / Minus the Bear / The Black Angels / blackalicious / The Hold Steady / Bad Brains / Ghostland Observatory / The Blow / The Polyphonic Spree / Ozomatli / The Thermals / Helio Sequence / Patrick Wolf / Mirah / Two Gallants / Aziz Ansari / Electrelane / Loney Dear / Money Mark / The Long Winters / Common Market / Viva Voce / Aqueduct / Stars of Track and Field / The Blakes / The Slip / Mix Master Mike / Sarah Silverman / Jesse Sykes and The Sweet Hereafter / Earl Greyhound / Smoosh / Visqueen / The Saturday Knights / Michael Showalter / Gabriel Teodros / Total Experience Gospel Choir
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