1) Characterised by a pop-infused, fresh and precisely clean production style, Kito’s music has received support globally from a number of leading DJs and producers. Having had her first completed tracks picked up by none other than Dubstep pioneer and figurehead, Skream, and released on his label Disfugured Dubz, Kito hit the ground running.
David Guetta / Avicii / Tiësto / Swedish House Mafia / Afrojack / Steve Aoki / Kaskade / Hardwell / Martin Solveig / Faithless / Above & Beyond / Juanes / Bingo Players / Dada Life / Wolfgang Gartner / Fedde le Grand / Laidback Luke / Sander van Doorn / Don Diablo / Nervo / Breakbot / Netsky / Ferry Corsten / Chuckie / John Dahlback / Tensnake / Cosmic Gate / Sasha / Mat Zo / Felix Cartal / Headhunterz / Shapeshifters / Carl Cox / Green Velvet / Caspa / Cookie Monsta / Âme / Autoerotique / Ørjan Nilsen / Luna / Aly & Fila / Chocolate Puma / De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig / Sharam / Brodinski / Bonzai / Gregor Salto / Super8 & Tab / Logistics / Funtcase / JONES / Mason / Dimitri Vegas / Riva Starr / Richie Hawtin / Dubfire / Adam Beyer / TyDi / Wildstylez / noisecontrollers / Style of Eye / Motor City Drum Ensemble / Brennan Heart / Yves V / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Loco Dice / M.A.N.D.Y / Astrix / Sven Vath / Seth Troxler / Kerri Chandler / Jaytech / Josh Wink / Joachim Garraud / Henrik Schwarz / Simon Patterson / Coone / Marco Carola / Dixon / James Zabiela / Arno Cost / Albin Myers / Mi-ke / Arnej / The Others / Sebastien Leger / Bart B More / Pinch / Zatox / Sandy Rivera / DJ Marky / Nic Fanciulli / Daniel Kandi / Marcel Dettmann / Steve Lawler / Girl Unit / Yousef / Norman Doray / Chris Liebing / RaNd! / Copyright / Technoboy / Psyko Punkz / Sound of Stereo / Sied van Riel / Astral Projection / Myd / Speedy J / Tai / Don Rimini / Magda / Dave Seaman / Kito / Marco Bailey / Surgeon / Steffi / Toneshifterz / Sven van Hees / Satoshi Tomiie / Kryptic Minds / Gms / Ben Sims / Matthias Tanzmann / Gemmy / Gtronic / Dr. Phunk / Talamasca / Riva / Nosferatu / Von D / Mark With a K / Arno Cost & Arias / Panteros666 / B-Front / Jon Rundell / Marcel Fengler / DJ Die / Digital Punk / E-Force / Alpha² / John OO Fleming / Dr. Rude / Paul Mac / DJ Rush / Barem / Bonafide / Heartthrob / N-Type / SP:MC / Kutski / Fred Baker / Ambivalent / Bioweapon / Fenix / Lady Linn And Her Magnificent Seven / Promo / San Soda / Anthony Pappa / Hijak / Fausto / Tito / Fiocco / marshall masters / Digital Lab / tom de neef / Davoodi / Bassline / Ray & Anita / Kasparov / Pierre / DJ Ghost / MC Villain / Tama Sumo / Demoniak / Science / MC DV8 / Fabrizio Maurizi / Grimelock / Ambassador Inc. / Shovell / Virtual Zone / Roma / Bestien / Gaz / Cyrax / Miss Djax / Bill Patrick / Subreachers / Alex Flatner / Gaetano Parisio / Marko / Frank Kvitta / MC Chucky / DJ Wout / Dj Silver / Maxim Lany / Pedro Henriques / Pet Duo / Jazzmin / Marco Remus / Teka B / Surfing Leons / Kastor & Dice / Dejan Milicevic / Gave / Atmospherix / Growling Mad Scientists / Red D / Yamo / Nabil / Piro / Bunzer0 / Matthew Hoag / Faithless Sound System / Tom Dazing / Chris Tietjen / bad dancer / KILLA PRODUCTIONS / PsytoX / DJ Ward / One87 / Goldorak / Spacid / Foxy Lady / MC Elvee / KRZ / 2 Dirty / Soulspinnas / Mousa / Du Art / Hookerz / The Echo Virus / Contraddict / Frequency 7 / Gols / Eva-d / Vicelord / Norion / Laura Heath / Allspark / MC Nice / Dom and Klute / Firaga / Baselab Sound / Edward Molton / Sjoekoe / MC Ebony / MC Mush
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David Guetta / Avicii / Tiësto / Swedish House Mafia / Steve Aoki / Afrojack / Kaskade / Hardwell / Martin Solveig / Juanes / Above & Beyond / Faithless / Don Diablo / Bingo Players / Dada Life / Breakbot / Fedde le Grand / Wolfgang Gartner / Laidback Luke / Netsky / Nervo / Sander van Doorn / Ferry Corsten / Chuckie / Sasha / Tensnake / Cosmic Gate / John Dahlback / Felix Cartal / Mat Zo / Carl Cox / Headhunterz / Mi-ke / Green Velvet / The Shapeshifters / Luna / Âme / Caspa / De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig / Ørjan Nilsen / Autoerotique / Aly & Fila / Dimitri Vegas / Cookie Monsta / Adam Beyer / Chocolate Puma / Bonzai / Yves V / Gregor Salto / Super8 & Tab / Brodinski / JONES / Logistics / Sharam / Brennan Heart / Richie Hawtin / Riva Starr / Astrix / Mason / Funtcase / Wildstylez / Dubfire / Motor City Drum Ensemble / Coone / Myd / noisecontrollers / Loco Dice / Sven Vath / Kerri Chandler / TyDi / Henrik Schwarz / M.A.N.D.Y / Marco Carola / Seth Troxler / Dixon / Style of Eye / Jaytech / Josh Wink / Simon Patterson / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Joachim Garraud / Sebastien Leger / Arno Cost / James Zabiela / Albin Myers / Ran-D (NL) / Zatox / DJ Marky / Nic Fanciulli / Kito / Sandy Rivera / Arnej / Marcel Dettmann / Chris Liebing / The Others / Bart B More / Pinch / Yousef / Steve Lawler / Daniel Kandi / Psyko Punkz / Norman Doray / Girl Unit / Technoboy / Copyright / Astral Projection / Toneshifterz / Tai / Dr. Phunk / Surgeon / Magda / Speedy J / Sied van Riel / Steffi / Dave Seaman / Sound of Stereo / Marco Bailey / Mark With a K / Don Rimini / Gms / Sven van Hees / The Nosferatu / Satoshi Tomiie / Talamasca / Ben Sims / Matthias Tanzmann / Kryptic Minds / B-Front / Riva / E-Force / Gemmy / Digital Punk / Panteros666 / Gtronic / Von D / DJ Die / Jon Rundell / Marcel Fengler / Arno Cost & Arias / John OO Fleming / Dr. Rude / Alpha² / DJ Rush / Paul Mac / SP:MC / Bonafide / Promo / Barem / Fenix / Heartthrob / Kutski / N-Type / Tito / Fred Baker / Ambivalent / Fausto / Bioweapon / Lady Linn And Her Magnificent Seven / San Soda / marshall masters / Fiocco / Maxim Lany / Anthony Pappa / Pierre / Marko / Davoodi / Hijak / Bassline / Virtual Zone / Cyrax / DJ Ghost / Digital Lab / Kasparov / Shovell / tom de neef / Ray & Anita / Tama Sumo / MC Villain / Roma / MC DV8 / SCIENCE / Demoniak / Fabrizio Maurizi / Bestien / Miss Djax / Grimelock / Ambassador Inc. / Gaz / Alex Flatner / Bill Patrick / Subreachers / MC Chucky / Gaetano Parisio / Frank Kvitta / DJ Wout / KRZ / Dj Silver / Teka B / Jazzmin / Pet Duo / Pedro Henriques / Marco Remus / Piro / Dejan Milicevic / Nabil / Surfing Leons / Kastor & Dice / Gave / Red D / Yamo / Atmospherix / Bunzer0 / Matthew Hoag / One87 / Tom Dazing / Chris Tietjen / DJ Ward / bad dancer / Faithless Sound System / KILLA PRODUCTIONS / PsytoX / Spacid / Foxy Lady / Goldorak / MC Elvee / 2 Dirty / Mousa / Du Art / Eva-d / Soulspinnas / Frequency 7 / The Echo Virus / Hookerz / Gols / Contraddict / Firaga / MC Mush / Laura Heath / Norion / Vicelord / MC Nice / Dom and Klute / Sjoekoe / Edward Molton / Allspark / Baselab Sound / MC Ebony
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Voorhees / Policy of Three / Kito / Stalingrad / Manrae / Bob Tilton / Baby Harp Seal / Above All / Tribute / Stampin' Ground / Withdrawn / Schema / Underclass
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