GWAR is a satirical thrash metal/punk band formed in 1985-1986 by a group of artists and musicians at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. The band is perhaps best known for their elaborate sci-fi/horror film inspired costumes, raunchy lyrics, and graphic stage performances, which can consist of scatology, sadomasochism, necrophilia, pedo-necrophilia, beastio-necrophilia, fire dancing, fake pagan rituals, mock executions/mutilations, and other controversial violent and political themes.
Slipknot / Lamb Of God / 10 Years / Bush / GWAR / Dayseeker / Flyleaf / Pop Evil / Wage War / Fame On Fire / Crown The Empire / Darkhorse Saloon / Eva on fire / Gideon / God of Nothing / Silly Goose
"Inkcarceration Music & Tattoo Festival" / Slipknot / Megadeth / Bush / FLYLEAF with Lacey Sturm / Asking Alexandria / Wage War / Gwar / Crown the Empire / 10 Years / Fame On Fire / Dayseeker / Gideon / Eva Under Fire / Slay Squad / Last Of Our Kind / Nerv / Scarlett O'Hara / Frayle / Darkhorse Saloon
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Slaughter To Prevail / POD / Hatebreed / Volbeat 2018 / Limp Bizkit / Fire From the Gods / Memphis May Fire / Motionless In White / In This Moment / Lamb Of God / Pantera / Dayseeker / Fame On Fire / 10 Years / Gwar / Wage War / Pop Evil / Bush / Megadeth / Slipknot
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Limp Bizkit / Volbeat / Highly Suspect / Coal Chamber / Hatebreed / P.O.D. / We Came As Romans / Suicide Silence / Fit for a King / Chelsea Grin / Kublai Khan TX / Vended / Mothica / A Killer's Confession / Thousand Below / Fox Lake / Violent New Breed / Dark Signal / Lonewolf / Sid Stratton / DVLSNV / Southbound Beretta / Bittersweet Revenge / Pantera / Megadeth / In This Moment / Motionless In White / Underoath / The Ghost Inside / Memphis May Fire / Slaughter To Prevail / Mushroomhead / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / Fire From the Gods / The Violent / Varials / Woe, Is Me / Like Moths to Flames / Uncured / Heartsick / Asava / Set For Tomorrow / Fight From Within / Half Heard Voices / Harmless Habit / Ghostatic / Slipknot / Lamb of God / Bush / Flyleaf / Asking Alexandria / Wage War / Gwar / Crown the Empire / 10 Years / Fame On Fire / Dayseeker / Gideon / Eva Under Fire / Slay Squad / Last Of Our Kind / Clifford / Nerv / Scarlett O'Hara / More Than Never / Traverse the Abyss / Frayle / God of Nothing / Darkhorse Saloon / Of Virtue
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Limp Bizkit / Volbeat / P.O.D. / Highly Suspect / Coal Chamber / Fit for a King / Hatebreed / Suicide Silence / We Came As Romans / Chelsea Grin / Vended / Mothica / A Killers Confession / Of Virtue / Pantera / Megadeth / In This Moment / Motionless In White / Underoath / Memphis May Fire / From Ashes to New / Mushroomhead / Slaughter To Prevail / Fire From the Gods / Heartsick / Half Heard Voices / Slipknot / Pop Evil / Lamb Of God / 10 Years / Bush / Flyleaf / Crown The Empire / Gwar / Gideon / Day Seeker / Wage War
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Slipknot / Pantera / Limp Bizkit / Lamb Of God / Megadeth / Volbeat / In This Moment / Highly Suspect / Flyleaf / Motionless In White / Coal Chamber / Underoath / Hatebreed / Wage War / The Ghost Inside / P.O.D. / GWAR / Memphis May Fire / We Came As Romans / Crown The Empire / Slaughter To Prevail / Suicide Silence / 10 Years / Fit for a King / Fame On Fire / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Chelsea Grin / Dayseeker / Fire From the Gods / From Ashes to New / Gideon / The Violent / Vended / Eva Under Fire / The Native Howl / Slay Squad / Woe, Is Me / A Killer's Confession / Thousand Below
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Thousand Below / Vended / Of Virtue / Mothica / A Killer's Confession / We Came As Romans / Chelsea Grin / Hatebreed / Fit for a King / Coal Chamber / Suicide Silence / Highly Suspect / The Violent / Woe Is Me / From Ashes to New / The Native Howl / Memphis May Fire / Fire From the Gods / Underoath / Motionless In White / Mushroomhead / In This Moment / Slaughter To Prevail / Megadeth / The Ghost Inside / Pantera / Eva Under Fire / Clifford / Fame On Fire / Slay Squad / Crown the Empire / Gideon / Wage War / Dayseeker / FLYLEAF with Lacey Sturm / Gwar / Bush / 10 Years / Pop Evil / Slipknot
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Limp Bizkit / Volbeat / Highly Suspect / Coal Chamber / Hatebreed / P.O.D. / Slaughter To Prevail / We Came As Romans / Fit for a King / Chelsea Grin / Kublai Khan TX / Vended / Mothica / Thousand Below / Pantera / Lamb Of God / In This Moment / Motionless In White / Underoath / The Ghost Inside / Suicide Silence / Memphis May Fire / Mushroomhead / Slipknot / Megadeth / Bush / Asking Alexandria / Wage War / Crown The Empire / Gwar / 10 Years / Fame On Fire / Lonewolf / Flyleaf / Gideon / Slay Squad / Clifford / Fire From the Gods / Heartsick / Set For Tomorrow / Fight From Within / Fox Lake / Silly Goose
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Limp Bizkit / Pantera / Slipknot / Lamb of God / Pop Evil / Megadeth / Volbeat / Bush / FLYLEAF with Lacey Sturm / In This Moment / Coal Chamber / P.O.D. / Wage War / Hatebreed / Motionless In White / Memphis May Fire / Crown the Empire / We Came As Romans / Suicide Silence / Mushroomhead / Slaughter To Prevail / Gwar / Fit for a King / Chelsea Grin / From Ashes to New / 10 Years / Fame On Fire / Vended / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / Mothica / Dayseeker / Gideon / A Killer's Confession / Thousand Below / Fire From the Gods / Eva Under Fire / Slay Squad / The Violent / Of Virtue / Woe, Is Me / Fox Lake / Clifford / Last Of Our Kind / Uncured / Heartsick / Violent New Breed / Dark Signal / Nerv / Scarlett O'Hara / More Than Never / Asava / Set For Tomorrow / Lonewolf / Sid Stratton / Fight From Within / Half Heard Voices / Traverse the Abyss / Harmless Habit / DVLSNV / Southbound Baretta / Ghostatic / Frayle / Bittersweet Revenge / God of Nothing / Darkhorse Saloon
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Slipknot / Ice Cube / Papa Roach / Pantera / Falling In Reverse / Godsmack / Everclear / In This Moment / Alien Ant Farm / Suicide Silence / Highly Suspect / 10 Years / Ice Nine Kills / Soul Asylum / Wage War / Orianthi / The Ghost Inside / Dorothy / Mushroomhead / Dayseeker / Jinjer / Gwar / Fame On Fire / Gemini Syndrome / Vended / Crobot / Plush / Kingdom Collapse / Scattered Hamlet / Citizen kane / The Cherry Bombs / Magg Dylan / Lost In A Name / Dark Heavens
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Slipknot / Ice Cube / Papa Roach / Pantera / Falling In Reverse / Godsmack / Everclear / In This Moment / Alien Ant Farm / Suicide Silence / Highly Suspect / Ice Nine Kills / 10 Years / Soul Asylum / Wage War / Orianthi / The Ghost Inside / Dorothy / Dayseeker / Mushroomhead / Jinjer / Fame On Fire / GWAR / Gemini Syndrome / Vended / Crobot / Plush / Kingdom Collapse / Scattered Hamlet / Citizen kane / Magg Dylan / The Cherry Bombs / Lost In A Name / Dark Heavens
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Pantera / Slipknot / Godsmack / Ice Cube / Papa Roach / Falling In Reverse / In This Moment / Highly Suspect / Ice Nine Kills / Asking Alexandria / The Ghost Inside / Everclear / Wage War / Jinjer / Gwar / Soul Asylum / Dorothy / Alien Ant Farm / Orianthi / Suicide Silence / 10 Years / Mushroomhead / Cherry Bombs / Fame On Fire / Vended / Crobot / Gemini Syndrome / New Years Day / Plush / Dayseeker / Tallah / Eva Under Fire / Gideon / The Lonely Ones / Saul / No Resolve / Kingdom Collapse / Versus Me / Moon Fever / Citizen kane / Widow7 / Dark Heavens / Relent / Lovely World / KINGS COUNTY / Normundy / Weekend Picnic / MVRROW / Magg Dylan / The Almas / Drift / Silvertung / The SoapGirls / Emperors & Angels / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Scattered Hamlet / Artifas / Bourbon House / Nuisance / Sin7 / Rebel Queens / Ratchet Dolls / 9th Planet / Old Voltage / Sons of Guns / Giznad / Thrash Of The Titans / The Hybrid Theory / Shotgun Superstars / Scarlet / Contingency / Carbellion / FM Down / Saint Tragedy / The Over Unders
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Slipknot / Ice Cube / Papa Roach / Pantera / Godsmack / Falling In Reverse / Everclear / In This Moment / Alien Ant Farm / Suicide Silence / Soul Asylum / Highly Suspect / 10 Years / Orianthi / Ice Nine Kills / Dorothy / The Ghost Inside / Wage War / Mushroomhead / Gwar / Jinjer / Fame On Fire / Dayseeker / Gemini Syndrome / Crobot / Vended / Plush / Kingdom Collapse / Citizen kane / Scattered Hamlet / The Cherry Bombs / Lost In A Name / Magg Dylan / Dark Heavens / September Mourning
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No Resolve / Moon Fever / The Lonely Ones / September Mourning / Alien Ant Farm / Gemini Syndrome / Soul Asylum / Widow7 / Sin7 / Magg Dylan / Saint Tragedy / Scattered Hamlet / Thrash Of The Titans / Fame On Fire / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Suicide Silence / Eva Under Fire / MVRROW / Orianthi / Carbellion / Giznad / Vended / In This Moment / Mushroomhead / Weekend Picnic / Ice Cube / The Ghost Inside / Pantera / Dark Heavens / Rebel Queens / nuisance / Artifas / Lost In A Name / Shotgun Superstars / The Almas / Gideon / Emperors & Angels / Cherry Bombs / Normundy / Saul / Wage War / Contingency / Crobot / Sons of Guns / Ice Nine Kills / Jinjer / Kingdom Collapse / Falling In Reverse / Flyleaf with Lacy Strum / Versus Me / Slipknot / KINGS COUNTY / Bourbon House / Drift / The Hybrid Theory / The Over Unders / The SoapGirls / Silvertung / 10 Years / Dayseeker / Lovely World / Gwar / Old Voltage / Scarlet / Sleep Theory / Highly Suspect / Dorothy / Relent / Papa Roach / Everclear / Godsmack / Citizen kane / Ratchet Dolls / Plush
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Saint Tragedy / Carabellion / Thrash Of The Titans / Giznad / Dark Heavens / Magg Dylan / MVRROW / Weekend Picnic / Rebel Queens / Scattered Hamlet / Sin7 / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Eva Under Fire / Fame On Fire / Vended / Suicide Silence / Orianthi / Jinjer / The Ghost Inside / In This Moment / Ice Cube / Pantera / FM Down / Contingency / Shotgun Superstars / Sons of Guns / KINGS COUNTY / The Almas / Normundy / Versus Me / Kingdom Collapse / 9th Planet / Artifas / Emperors and Angels / Saul / Gideon / Crobot / Cherry Bombs / Wage War / Sleep Theory / Ice Nine Kills / Falling In Reverse / Slipknot / The Over Unders / Scarlet / The Hybrid Theory / Old Voltage / Drift / Lovely World / Citizen kane / Relent / Ratchet Dolls / The SoapGirls / Bourbon House / Silvertung / Dayseeker / Plush / 10 Years / Dorothy / Gwar / Everclear / Highly Suspect / Papa Roach / Godsmack / Soul Asylum / Alien Ant Farm / Gemini Syndrome / The Lonely Ones / No Resolve / Moon Fever / Window7 / September Mourning / nuisance / Flyleaf / Mushroomhead
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Godsmack / Papa Roach / Highly Suspect / Everclear / Slipknot / Falling In Reverse / Ice Nine Kills / Pantera / Ice Cube / In This Moment / The Ghost Inside / Soul Asylum / Alien Ant Farm / Gemini Syndrome / The Lonely Ones / Gwar / Dorothy / 10 Years / Plush / Dayseeker / Wage War / Mushroomhead / Cherry Bombs / Crobot / Gideon / Saul / Jinjer / Orianthi / Suicide Silence / Vended / Fame On Fire / Eva Under Fire / Silvertung / Bourbon House / The SoapGirls / Ratchet Dolls / Relent / Citizen kane / Emperors & Angels / nuisance / Artifas / 9th Planet / Kingdom Collapse / Versus Me / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Sin7 / Scattered Hamlet / Rebel Queens / Weekend Picnic / MVRROW / Magg Dylan / Dark Heavens / Giznad / Thrash Of The Titans / Carbellion / Saint Tragedy / Normundy / The Almas / Kings Country / Sons of Guns / Shotgun Superstars / Contingency / FM Down / Lovely World / Drift / Old Voltage / The Hybrid Theory / Scarlet / The Over Unders / No Resolve / Moon Fever / Widow7 / FLYLEAF with Lacey Sturm / Sleep Theory
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Alien Ant Farm / Artifas / Bourbon House / Carbellion / Cherry Bombs / Citizen kane / Contingency / Crobot / Dark Heavens / Dayseeker / Dorothy / Drift / Emperors & Angels / Eva Under Fire / Everclear / Falling In Reverse / Fame On Fire / Gemini Syndrome / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Gideon / Giznad / Godsmack / Gwar / Highly Suspect / Ice Cube / Ice Nine Kills / In This Moment / Jinjer / Kingdom Collapse / KINGS COUNTY / Lost In A Name / Lovely World / Magg Dylan / Moon Fever / Mushroomhead / MVRROW / No Resolve / Normundy / nuisance / Old Voltage / Orianthi / Pantera / Papa Roach / Plush / Ratchet Dolls / Rebel Queens / Relent / Saint Tragedy / Saul / Scarlet / Scattered Hamlet / September Mourning / Shotgun Superstars / Silvertung / Sin7 / Slipknot / Sons of Guns / Soul Asylum / Suicide Silence / The Almas / The Ghost Inside / The Hybrid Theory / The Lonely Ones / The Over Unders / The SoapGirls / Thrash Of The Titans / Vended / Versus Me / Wage War / Weekend Picnic / Widow7 / 9th Planet / Flyleaf / Sleep Theory
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Iggy Pop / Rancid / Steve Earle / Lucinda Williams / Calexico / Queensrÿche / Melvins / Monster Magnet / Lucero / Os Mutantes / Gwar / The Soundtrack Of Our Lives / Matchbox / Pasadena / El Drogas / Brigade Loco / Bones of Minerva / Jim Jones All Stars
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Comments & Reviews:
Gwar also played The Leisure World @ Bridlington,UK on May 11th 1990 (i was there) (missing from the list)