Grand Champeen Concert History

If Grand Champeen's sophomore album Battle Cry for Help was an earnest, somewhat quixotic attempt by four ardent students of rock to demonstrate what they've learned from forefathers as venerated as the Rolling Stones and the Replacements, The one that brought you is the wee-hours afterparty where the grades aren't in yet and the drunken graduates no longer give a shit. You can hear this not-giving-a-shit in the tangled snarl of squealing feedback and excited cries that is this album's opener...

Alternative Rock
Power Pop
Austin Rock
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2018 1 concert
2015 1 concert
2010 1 concert
2009 1 concert
2007 17 concerts
2006 7 concerts
2005 5 concerts
2004 1 concert
2003 4 concerts
2002 2 concerts
2001 2 concerts
2000 1 concert
 Houston Hh
 Rob Van Alstyne
 Katey Margolis
 Brandon Stilb

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