GosT is a synthwave producer from Texas who specializes in a unique blend of synthwave and horror, often referred as 'slasherwave' by his fans. Having put out multiple releases through his own bandcamp page, he has released music through record label Werkstatt Recordings. Most recently, GosT's debut and second album, 'Behemoth' and 'Non Paradisi' respectively, have been released under the predominately metal record label Blood Music. His third album, 'Possessor', was also released under Blood Music.
Opeth / Mayhem / Alcest / Primordial / Big Business / Gost / Mgla / Inter Arma / Birds In Row / Voices / The Vintage Caravan / A Pale Horse Named Death / Blood Red Throne / Raging Speedhorn / Venom Prison / Lord Dying / Mork / Imperial Triumphant / Alunah / Gaahls Wyrd / Jo Quail / Carnation / Dawn Ray'd / Crowhurst / Earth Ship / The Infernal Sea / Godeater / Wheel (FI)
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Opeth / Mayhem / Alcest / Primordial / Big Business / Gost / Inter Arma / Birds In Row / The Vintage Caravan / A Pale Horse Named Death / Blood Red Throne / Raging Speedhorn / Lord Dying / Venom Prison / Mork / Alunah / Imperial Triumphant / Jo Quail / Carnation / Gaahls Wyrd / Dawn Ray'd / Crowhurst / Godeater / Wheel (FI) / The Infernal Sea / Mgła
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Opeth / Mayhem / Alcest / Primordial / Big Business / Gost / Mgla / Inter Arma / Birds In Row / Voices / The Vintage Caravan / A Pale Horse Named Death / Blood Red Throne / Raging Speedhorn / Lord Dying / Venom Prison / Mork / Imperial Triumphant / Alunah / Gaahls Wyrd / Jo Quail / Carnation / Dawn Ray'd / Crowhurst / Earth Ship / The Infernal Sea / Godeater / Wheel (FI)
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Opeth / Mayhem / Alcest / Primordial / Big Business / Mgla / Gost / Birds In Row / Inter Arma / The Vintage Caravan / Voices / A Pale Horse Named Death / Blood Red Throne / Raging Speedhorn / Venom Prison / Imperial Triumphant / Mork / Lord Dying / Gaahls Wyrd / Alunah / Jo Quail / Carnation / Dawn Ray'd / Crowhurst / Earth Ship / The Infernal Sea / Godeater / Wheel (FI)
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Coheed and Cambria / Battles / Meshuggah / Russian Circles / 65daysofstatic / Caspian / And So I Watch You from Afar / Carpenter Brut / Cult of Luna / Polyphia / TTNG / The Contortionist / The Ocean / Daughters / Zeal and Ardor / The Algorithm / Three Trapped Tigers / Covet / Black Peaks / Gost / Sithu Aye / GNOD / Brutus / Yvette Young / The Physics House Band / Birds In Row / Zu / Car Bomb / Nordic Giants / Elephant Gym / Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs / Bossk / Toska / Puppy / Invalids / Employed To Serve / Raketkanon / Palm Reader / AK/DK / Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard / Theo / Sleep Token / Conjurer / Frontierer / Gender Roles / Midas Fall / Cocaine Piss / Aiming for Enrike / Soeur / St Pierre Snake Invasion / SLOW CRUSH / Ithaca / Charlie Barnes / Lost in the Riots / Oxygen Thief / VLMV / We Never Learned to Live / LLNN / Pijn / Haunt the Woods / Cattle / Good Game / Letters From The Colony / Big Lad / Dags! / Azusa / Howard James Kenny / No Violet / Matt Calvert / Wild Cat Strike / Memory of Elephants / DobleCapa / a-tota-so / Steve Strong / Møl (DK) / Cultdreams / Rad Pitt / All the Best Tapes / CLT DRP / Dj Perro / Puerto Austral / Kaguu / Floral (CA) / BATS (Dublin) / Colossal Squid / A.A. Williams / Sugar Horse / Voronoi / Hexcut / Pave / Ogives / Too Piste / Standards (LA) / Curse These Metal Hands / Ogives Big Band / Kinlaw & Franco Franco / AMNT / Twin Siblings (UK)
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Coheed and Cambria / Battles / Meshuggah / Russian Circles / 65daysofstatic / Polyphia / Carpenter Brut / Caspian / And So I Watch You from Afar / Cult of Luna / Daughters / TTNG / The Contortionist / The Ocean / Zeal & Ardor / Covet / The Algorithm / Sleep Token / Three Trapped Tigers / Brutus / Yvette Young / Gost / Sithu Aye / Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs / Black Peaks / Elephant Gym / Car Bomb / GNOD / The Physics House Band / Birds In Row / Toska / Zu / Floral / Puppy / Nordic Giants / Employed To Serve / Bossk / Invalids / Raketkanon / Conjurer / Standards / Gender Roles / Palm Reader / Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard / SLOW CRUSH / Frontierer / Theo / AK/DK / A.A. Williams / Pijn / Aiming for Enrike / Ithaca / St Pierre Snake Invasion / Cocaine Piss / Soeur / Midas Fall / LLNN / We Never Learned to Live / Charlie Barnes / Haunt the Woods / VLMV / Lost in the Riots / Azusa / CLT DRP / Oxygen Thief / Good Game / Cattle / Letters From The Colony / Cultdreams / Big Lad / Colossal Squid / Dags! / Matt Calvert / Wild Cat Strike / No Violet / Dj Perro / DobleCapa / Memory of Elephants / Howard James Kenny / a-tota-so / Kaguu / Sugar Horse / Rad Pitt / Puerto Austral / Møl (DK) / Steve Strong / All the Best Tapes / Voronoi / Pave / Hexcut / Too Piste / BATS (Dublin) / Ogives Big Band / Curse These Metal Hands / Ogives / Kinlaw & Franco Franco / Twin Siblings (UK) / AMNT
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Coheed and Cambria / Battles / Meshuggah / Russian Circles / Polyphia / 65daysofstatic / Carpenter Brut / Caspian / And So I Watch You from Afar / Cult of Luna / Daughters / The Contortionist / TTNG / The Ocean / Zeal & Ardor / Sleep Token / Covet / The Algorithm / Brutus / Three Trapped Tigers / Yvette Young / Gost / Elephant Gym / Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs / Sithu Aye / Black Peaks / Birds In Row / Car Bomb / GNOD / The Physics House Band / Toska / Zu / Floral / Puppy / Employed To Serve / Nordic Giants / Bossk / Standards / Conjurer / Invalids / SLOW CRUSH / Raketkanon / Gender Roles / Palm Reader / Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard / Frontierer / Theo / A.A. Williams / Ithaca / AK/DK / Pijn / Aiming for Enrike / LLNN / St Pierre Snake Invasion / Cocaine Piss / Soeur / Midas Fall / CLT DRP / We Never Learned to Live / VLMV / Haunt the Woods / Charlie Barnes / Azusa / Lost in the Riots / Good Game / Oxygen Thief / Cattle / Cultdreams / Letters From The Colony / Big Lad / Colossal Squid / Dags! / Matt Calvert / Dj Perro / Sugar Horse / Wild Cat Strike / No Violet / DobleCapa / Memory of Elephants / a-tota-so / Howard James Kenny / Kaguu / Møl (DK) / Puerto Austral / Rad Pitt / Steve Strong / All the Best Tapes / Voronoi / Pave / Hexcut / Too Piste / BATS (Dublin) / Ogives Big Band / Ogives / Curse These Metal Hands / Kinlaw & Franco Franco / Twin Siblings (UK) / AMNT
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Coheed and Cambria / Battles / Meshuggah / Polyphia / Russian Circles / 65daysofstatic / Carpenter Brut / Caspian / Sleep Token / And So I Watch You from Afar / Cult of Luna / Daughters / The Contortionist / TTNG / The Ocean / Zeal & Ardor / Covet / The Algorithm / Brutus / Three Trapped Tigers / Yvette Young / Gost / Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs / Elephant Gym / Sithu Aye / Black Peaks / Birds In Row / Car Bomb / GNOD / The Physics House Band / Toska / Floral / Zu / Employed To Serve / Puppy / Nordic Giants / Bossk / Standards / Conjurer / SLOW CRUSH / Invalids / Raketkanon / Gender Roles / Palm Reader / Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard / Frontierer / Theo / A.A. Williams / Ithaca / Pijn / AK/DK / Aiming for Enrike / LLNN / St Pierre Snake Invasion / Cocaine Piss / Soeur / Midas Fall / CLT DRP / We Never Learned to Live / VLMV / Haunt the Woods / Charlie Barnes / Azusa / Good Game / Lost in the Riots / Oxygen Thief / Cattle / Cultdreams / Letters From The Colony / Big Lad / Colossal Squid / Dags! / Sugar Horse / Matt Calvert / Dj Perro / Wild Cat Strike / No Violet / DobleCapa / Memory of Elephants / a-tota-so / Kaguu / Howard James Kenny / Rad Pitt / Puerto Austral / Møl (DK) / Steve Strong / All the Best Tapes / Voronoi / Pave / Hexcut / Too Piste / BATS (Dublin) / Ogives Big Band / Ogives / Curse These Metal Hands / Kinlaw & Franco Franco / Twin Siblings (UK) / AMNT
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Coheed and Cambria / Battles / Meshuggah / Russian Circles / 65daysofstatic / Caspian / Carpenter Brut / Polyphia / And So I Watch You from Afar / Cult of Luna / TTNG / The Contortionist / Daughters / The Ocean / Zeal and Ardor / The Algorithm / Three Trapped Tigers / Covet / Yvette Young / Gost / Brutus / Black Peaks / Sithu Aye / Elephant Gym / The Physics House Band / Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs / GNOD / Birds In Row / Car Bomb / Zu / Sleep Token / Nordic Giants / Toska / Puppy / Floral / Bossk / Employed To Serve / Invalids / Raketkanon / Conjurer / Palm Reader / Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard / Gender Roles / Standards / Frontierer / Theo / AK/DK / SLOW CRUSH / Aiming for Enrike / Pijn / St Pierre Snake Invasion / Soeur / Cocaine Piss / Ithaca / Midas Fall / We Never Learned to Live / Charlie Barnes / Lost in the Riots / VLMV / LLNN / Oxygen Thief / Haunt the Woods / Azusa / A.A. Williams / Cattle / Letters From The Colony / Good Game / Cultdreams / Big Lad / CLT DRP / Dags! / Matt Calvert / Colossal Squid / No Violet / Wild Cat Strike / DobleCapa / Memory of Elephants / Howard James Kenny / Dj Perro / a-tota-so / Kaguu / Rad Pitt / Møl (DK) / Steve Strong / All the Best Tapes / Puerto Austral / Hexcut / Sugar Horse / Voronoi / Pave / Too Piste / BATS (Dublin) / Ogives Big Band / Curse These Metal Hands / Ogives / Kinlaw & Franco Franco / AMNT / Twin Siblings (UK)
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