Channeling classic skatepunk, thrash, and surfy lo-fi indie, Los Angeles combo FIDLAR emerged in the early 2010s, rising from the D.I.Y. underground to make a surprising run on Billboard's Heatseekers chart with their eponymous full-length debut, which was also a critical favorite. Named after an acronym for a skate mantra ("fuck it dog, life's a risk"), FIDLAR's freewheeling party punk was brought to a global audience over the next several years via their 2015 follow-up, Too, and 2019's Almost Free.
Childish Gambino / Tame Impala / The Lumineers / Chance the Rapper / SZA / James Blake / Russ / Foals / Local Natives / Santigold / Wolfmother / Catfish and the Bottlemen / Dean Lewis / Dave / Tycho / Warpaint / Broods / The Streets / HONNE / Friendly Fires / Courtney Barnett / K.Flay / Wolf Alice / Tones and I / What So Not / Matt Corby / Dermot Kennedy / Hayden James / Maribou State / Little Simz / Sam Fender / FIDLAR / Jacob Banks / Mansionair / Slaves / Pond / Dope lemon / The Rubens / Phony Ppl / Allday / Ziggy Alberts / Cosmos Midnight / Last Dinosaurs / The Teskey Brothers / Meg Mac / Winston Surfshirt / Channel Tres / Thelma Plum / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / MorMor / Set mo / The Beths / Trophy Eyes / Lastlings / Tropical Fuck Storm / Charly Bliss / Hatchie / Ruby Fields / Kaiit / The Nude Party / Seb Wildblood / Suzanne Kraft / Dear Seattle / Slowly Slowly / Ninajirachi / Kyle Hall / Pist idiots / Erthlings / Thandi Phoenix / Nathan Micay / Moaning Lisa / A. Swayze & The Ghosts / Mike Servito / Rebel Yell / Odette (AU) / Andy Garvey / Tyne James Organ / DJ JNETT / Noise In My Head / Kwame (AUS) / Kenji Takimi / Merve / Body Promise / Wax'o Paradiso / Lex Deluxe / Harvey Sutherland (DJ Set) / Merph
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Childish Gambino / SZA / Tame Impala / The Lumineers / Chance the Rapper / Russ / James Blake / Foals / Dave / Dean Lewis / Local Natives / Santigold / Catfish and the Bottlemen / Wolfmother / Tones and I / Dermot Kennedy / Maribou State / Wolf Alice / Tycho / Little Simz / K.Flay / The Streets / Courtney Barnett / HONNE / Warpaint / Sam Fender / Broods / Dope lemon / Hayden James / Friendly Fires / Matt Corby / What So Not / The Teskey Brothers / FIDLAR / Jacob Banks / Pond / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Mansionair / Ziggy Alberts / The Rubens / Phony Ppl / Channel Tres / Cosmos Midnight / Last Dinosaurs / Allday / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / Winston Surfshirt / The Beths / Meg Mac / Thelma Plum / Seb Wildblood / MorMor / Lastlings / Trophy Eyes / Set mo / The Nude Party / Tropical Fuck Storm / Charly Bliss / Ruby Fields / Hatchie / Kaiit / Pist idiots / Slowly Slowly / Ninajirachi / Dear Seattle / Suzanne Kraft / Kyle Hall / Nathan Micay / Erthlings / Thandi Phoenix / Moaning Lisa / A. Swayze & The Ghosts / Mike Servito / Rebel Yell / Andy Garvey / Odette (AU) / DJ JNETT / Tyne James Organ / Noise In My Head / Merve / Kwame (AUS) / Kenji Takimi / Body Promise / Wax'o Paradiso / Lex Deluxe / Harvey Sutherland (DJ Set) / Merph
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Childish Gambino / Tame Impala / SZA / The Lumineers / Chance the Rapper / James Blake / Russ / Foals / Local Natives / Santigold / Dean Lewis / Catfish and the Bottlemen / Wolfmother / Dave / Tycho / Warpaint / HONNE / The Streets / Broods / Courtney Barnett / Friendly Fires / K.Flay / Tones and I / Wolf Alice / Dermot Kennedy / Matt Corby / What So Not / Hayden James / Little Simz / Maribou State / Sam Fender / FIDLAR / Jacob Banks / Mansionair / Soft Play / Pond / Dope lemon / The Rubens / Phony Ppl / Ziggy Alberts / Allday / The Teskey Brothers / Cosmos Midnight / Last Dinosaurs / Channel Tres / Meg Mac / Winston Surfshirt / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / Thelma Plum / The Beths / MorMor / Set mo / Lastlings / Tropical Fuck Storm / Trophy Eyes / Charly Bliss / Hatchie / Ruby Fields / Kaiit / The Nude Party / Seb Wildblood / Suzanne Kraft / Slowly Slowly / Dear Seattle / Ninajirachi / Pist idiots / Kyle Hall / Erthlings / Thandi Phoenix / Nathan Micay / Moaning Lisa / A. Swayze & The Ghosts / Mike Servito / Rebel Yell / Odette (AU) / Andy Garvey / Tyne James Organ / DJ JNETT / Noise In My Head / Kwame (AUS) / Kenji Takimi / Merve / Body Promise / Wax'o Paradiso / Lex Deluxe / Harvey Sutherland (DJ Set) / Merph
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Childish Gambino / Tame Impala / The Lumineers / Chance the Rapper / SZA / James Blake / Russ / Foals / Local Natives / Santigold / Wolfmother / Catfish and the Bottlemen / Dean Lewis / Dave / Tycho / Warpaint / Broods / The Streets / HONNE / Friendly Fires / Courtney Barnett / K.Flay / Wolf Alice / Tones and I / What So Not / Matt Corby / Dermot Kennedy / Hayden James / Maribou State / Little Simz / Sam Fender / FIDLAR / Jacob Banks / Mansionair / Slaves / Pond / Dope lemon / The Rubens / Phony Ppl / Allday / Ziggy Alberts / Cosmos Midnight / Last Dinosaurs / The Teskey Brothers / Meg Mac / Winston Surfshirt / Channel Tres / Thelma Plum / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / MorMor / Set mo / The Beths / Trophy Eyes / Lastlings / Tropical Fuck Storm / Charly Bliss / Hatchie / Ruby Fields / Kaiit / The Nude Party / Seb Wildblood / Suzanne Kraft / Dear Seattle / Slowly Slowly / Ninajirachi / Kyle Hall / Pist idiots / Erthlings / Thandi Phoenix / Nathan Micay / Moaning Lisa / A. Swayze & The Ghosts / Mike Servito / Rebel Yell / Odette (AU) / Andy Garvey / Tyne James Organ / DJ JNETT / Noise In My Head / Kwame (AUS) / Kenji Takimi / Merve / Body Promise / Wax'o Paradiso / Lex Deluxe / Harvey Sutherland (DJ Set) / Merph
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Childish Gambino / The Lumineers / Chance the Rapper / Tame Impala / James Blake / Foals / SZA / Local Natives / Santigold / Russ / Wolfmother / Warpaint / Friendly Fires / Tycho / Catfish and the Bottlemen / Broods / The Streets / Courtney Barnett / HONNE / What So Not / Matt Corby / K.Flay / Wolf Alice / Hayden James / Dean Lewis / FIDLAR / Dave / Mansionair / Slaves / Pond / Maribou State / Jacob Banks / The Rubens / Dermot Kennedy / Allday / Little Simz / Phony Ppl / Last Dinosaurs / Cosmos Midnight / Meg Mac / Dope lemon / Ziggy Alberts / Winston Surfshirt / Set mo / Sam Fender / Thelma Plum / Trophy Eyes / MorMor / Charly Bliss / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / THE TESKEY BROTHERS / The Beths / Channel Tres / Lastlings / Hatchie / Ruby Fields / Suzanne Kraft / Tropical Fuck Storm / Kyle Hall / Seb Wildblood / The Nude Party / Kaiit / Ninajirachi / Dear Seattle / Slowly Slowly / Pist idiots / Thandi Phoenix / Erthlings / Moaning Lisa / Tones and I / Mike Servito / A. Swayze & The Ghosts / Nathan Micay / Rebel Yell / Odette (AU) / Noise In My Head / Tyne James Organ / DJ JNETT / Andy Garvey / Kwame (AUS) / Kenji Takimi / Body Promise / Merve / Harvey Sutherland (DJ Set) / Lex Deluxe / Wax'o Paradiso / Merph
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Childish Gambino / The Lumineers / Tame Impala / Chance the Rapper / SZA / James Blake / Russ / Foals / Local Natives / Santigold / Wolfmother / Catfish and the Bottlemen / Dean Lewis / Tycho / Warpaint / Broods / Dave / The Streets / Friendly Fires / HONNE / Courtney Barnett / K.Flay / Wolf Alice / Tones and I / What So Not / Matt Corby / Hayden James / Dermot Kennedy / Maribou State / FIDLAR / Little Simz / Mansionair / Jacob Banks / Sam Fender / Slaves / Pond / The Rubens / Dope lemon / Phony Ppl / Allday / Ziggy Alberts / Cosmos Midnight / Last Dinosaurs / Meg Mac / The Teskey Brothers / Winston Surfshirt / Channel Tres / Thelma Plum / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / MorMor / Set mo / The Beths / Trophy Eyes / Lastlings / Charly Bliss / Tropical Fuck Storm / Hatchie / Ruby Fields / Kaiit / The Nude Party / Seb Wildblood / Suzanne Kraft / Dear Seattle / Ninajirachi / Slowly Slowly / Kyle Hall / Pist idiots / Erthlings / Thandi Phoenix / Moaning Lisa / Nathan Micay / A. Swayze & The Ghosts / Mike Servito / Rebel Yell / Odette (AU) / Andy Garvey / Tyne James Organ / DJ JNETT / Noise In My Head / Kwame (AUS) / Kenji Takimi / Body Promise / Merve / Wax'o Paradiso / Lex Deluxe / Harvey Sutherland (DJ Set) / Merph
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Genesis Owusu / Pond / A. Swayze and the Ghosts / Wolfmother / FIDLAR / Dave / Santigold / Foals / Tame Impala / Moaning Lisa / Channel Tres / Kwame / Little Simz / Tropical Fuck Storm / Friendly Fires / The Streets / Childish Gambino / Phony Ppl / The Teskey Brothers / James Blake / SZA
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Tame Impala / Childish Gambino / SZA / Foals / The Lumineers / Catfish and The Bottlemen / James Blake / FIDLAR / Matt Corby / Santigold / Wolf Alice / Hayden James / Dope Lemon / Pond / Wolfmother / Tropical Fuck Storm / Mansionair / Slaves / Kwame / Psychedelic Porn Crumpets / The Beths / Slowly Slowy / Dear Seattle / A Swayze & the Ghosts / Pist idiots / Tones and I / Last Dinosaurs / Hiltop Hoods
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Tame Impala / Cage The Elephant / Beck / Incubus / Grouplove / Foals / Tears For Fears / Interpol / Wallows / Gary Clark Jr. / Dashboard Confessional / Deerhunter / HONNE / The Dandy Warhols / Tash Sultana / Electric Guest / Phosphorescent / Black Lips / Peach Pit / The Joy Formidable / Yellow Days / Tyler Childers / FIDLAR / Japanese Breakfast / IDLES / Caamp / Lucy Dacus / I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME / Osees / Liz Phair / The Struts / Soccer Mommy / Jim James / Julia Jacklin / Rayland Baxter / Curtis Harding / Welshly Arms / CHON / Face To Face / Jade Bird / Calpurnia / Foxing / Bad Books / Pedro The Lion / Natalie Prass / Wilderado / The Murlocs / cleopatrick / The Blue Stones / Mipso / Slothrust / Mark Lanegan Band / The Nude Party / Low Cut Connie / duncan fellows / Demob Happy / Walden / Ruen Brothers / Liily / Devon Gilfillian / Bones Owens / Illiterate Light / The Inspector Cluzo / Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin Stones / Taylor Janzen
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Tame Impala / Cage The Elephant / Beck / Incubus / Grouplove / Foals / Interpol / Tears For Fears / Dashboard Confessional / Gary Clark Jr. / Deerhunter / The Dandy Warhols / Wallows / HONNE / Tash Sultana / Electric Guest / Phosphorescent / Black Lips / The Joy Formidable / Yellow Days / FIDLAR / Peach Pit / Japanese Breakfast / Osees / Liz Phair / IDLES / Jim James / Tyler Childers / The Struts / Lucy Dacus / Caamp / I Don't Know How But They Found Me / Soccer Mommy / Rayland Baxter / Julia Jacklin / Face To Face / Welshly Arms / CHON / Curtis Harding / Jade Bird / Bad Books / Foxing / Pedro The Lion / Natalie Prass / Calpurnia / The Murlocs / Mipso / cleopatrick / Wilderado / Slothrust / The Blue Stones / Mark Lanegan Band / Low Cut Connie / duncan fellows / The Nude Party / Demob Happy / Walden / Ruen Brothers / Liily / Devon Gilfillian / Bones Owens / Illiterate Light / The Inspector Cluzo / Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin Stones / Taylor Janzen
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Tame Impala / Cage The Elephant / Beck / Incubus / Grouplove / Foals / Interpol / Tears For Fears / Dashboard Confessional / Gary Clark Jr. / Deerhunter / The Dandy Warhols / Wallows / HONNE / Tash Sultana / Electric Guest / Phosphorescent / Black Lips / The Joy Formidable / Yellow Days / FIDLAR / Peach Pit / Japanese Breakfast / Osees / Liz Phair / IDLES / Jim James / Tyler Childers / The Struts / Lucy Dacus / Caamp / I Don't Know How But They Found Me / Soccer Mommy / Rayland Baxter / Julia Jacklin / Face To Face / Welshly Arms / CHON / Curtis Harding / Jade Bird / Bad Books / Foxing / Pedro The Lion / Natalie Prass / Calpurnia / The Murlocs / Mipso / cleopatrick / Wilderado / Slothrust / The Blue Stones / Mark Lanegan Band / Low Cut Connie / duncan fellows / The Nude Party / Demob Happy / Walden / Ruen Brothers / Liily / Devon Gilfillian / Bones Owens / Illiterate Light / The Inspector Cluzo / Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin Stones / Taylor Janzen
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Tame Impala / Cage The Elephant / Beck / Incubus / Grouplove / Foals / Interpol / Tears For Fears / Dashboard Confessional / Gary Clark Jr. / Deerhunter / Wallows / The Dandy Warhols / HONNE / Tash Sultana / Electric Guest / Phosphorescent / Black Lips / The Joy Formidable / Yellow Days / Peach Pit / FIDLAR / Japanese Breakfast / Osees / Liz Phair / IDLES / Tyler Childers / Jim James / Lucy Dacus / The Struts / I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME / Caamp / Soccer Mommy / Rayland Baxter / Julia Jacklin / Face To Face / Welshly Arms / CHON / Curtis Harding / Jade Bird / Bad Books / Foxing / Pedro The Lion / Natalie Prass / Calpurnia / The Murlocs / Mipso / Wilderado / cleopatrick / Slothrust / The Blue Stones / Mark Lanegan Band / Low Cut Connie / duncan fellows / The Nude Party / Demob Happy / Walden / Ruen Brothers / Liily / Devon Gilfillian / Bones Owens / Illiterate Light / The Inspector Cluzo / Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin Stones / Taylor Janzen
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Tame Impala / Beck / Cage The Elephant / Incubus / Tears For Fears / Gary Clark Jr. / Interpol / Foals / Tash Sultana / Maggie Rogers / Grouplove / Jim James / Phosphorescent / The Struts / Tyler Childers / Dashboard Confessional / FIDLAR / Liz Phair / Sharon Van Etten / Deerhunter / Oh Sees / The Dandy Warhols / HONNE / Black Lips / Yellow Days / Bad Books / Calpurnia / Japanese Breakfast / Electric Guest / Wallows / Caamp / Mark Lanegan Band / Rayland Baxter / Soccer Mommy / The Joy Formidable / Jade Bird / CHON / Pedro The Lion / Foxing / The Murlocs / Lucy Dacus / IDLES / Curtis Harding / Face To Face / Slothrust / Natalie Prass / Mipso / Welshly Arms / Peach Pit / The Nude Party / Devon Gilfillian / Wilderado / Low Cut Connie / Julia Jacklin / cleopatrick / Ruen Brothers / Hannah Wicklund & the Steppin’ Stones / Demob Happy / The Blue Stones / I Don't Know How But They Found Me / Bones Owens / Liily / duncan fellows / Walden / Taylor Janzen / Illiterate Light / The Inspector Cluzo
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Tame Impala / Tyler Childers / Maggie Rogers / Deerhunter / Foals / Calpurnia / Phosphorescent / Caamp / Grouplove / The Murlocs / HONNE / Lucy Dacus / Electric Guest / Slothrust / Welshly Arms / Demob Happy / Rayland Baxter / The Blue Stones / The Nude Party / The Inspector Cluzo / Cage The Elephant / The Dandy Warhols / Gary Clark Jr. / Soccer Mommy / Interpol / Japanese Breakfast / FIDLAR / Pedro The Lion / The Struts / CHON / Jim James / Mipso / Bad Books / Jade Bird / Wallows / Natalie Prass / Mark Lanegan Band / cleopatrick / Ruen Brothers / Walden / Julia Jacklin / Bones Owens / Liily / Beck / Yellow Days / Illiterate Light / Tears For Fears / Foxing / Incubus / Oh Sees / Dashboard Confessional / Face To Face / Tash Sultana / Black Lips / Liz Phair / Peach Pit / Sharon Van Etten / IDLES / The Joy Formidable / Wilderado / Curtis Harding / Low Cut Connie / Devon Gilfillian / Duncan Fellows / Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin Stones / Taylor Janzen / I Don't Know How But They Found Me / Songs For Kids
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