Dig It Up Concert History

Montreal’s DIG IT UP is an interesting bunch o’ kids with their punk n’ roll tunes that gallop along with a pummeling rhythm section, two guitars that trade off sharp & textured parts and vocals that mix gang vocals of punk rock days of yore with gargle-with-gravel bellows. At the surface the whole package seems rough like sandpaper, but there’s a strong sense of melody & catchiness here as these guys & gal remember the days when good ol’ down home rock n’ roll was fun, keeping things melodic, driving and raw.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jan 21, 2010
Dig It Up / Prevenge / Laureate / Barrier Barfly Montréal, Québec, Canada
Punk Rock
Melodic Hardcore
Quebec Punk

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2016 2 concerts
2015 3 concerts
2014 3 concerts
2013 5 concerts
2012 4 concerts
2011 2 concerts
2010 2 concerts
 Electric Ant
 Dustin Lee Brandon
 Heavy T Smith

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