Bonnie McKee Concert History

Bonnie Leigh McKee (born January 20, 1984 in Vacaville, California) is an award-winning American singer, songwriter, and actress. McKee has co-written eight #1 singles, that have sold more than 25 million copies worldwide. Her first studio album, Trouble, was released in 2004, and a second album is scheduled for release in summer 2013.

Female Vocalists
Post-Teen Pop
UK Pop
Female Vocalist
Candy Pop
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2024 7 concerts
2023 1 concert
2018 4 concerts
2017 3 concerts
2015 1 concert
2014 18 concerts
2013 4 concerts
2005 15 concerts
 Sacramento Shows
 Chelsea Silvers
 Kylie Parker
 Alexis A
 Danielle Miranda
 Sara Nicole
 Olivia Moats
 Rebecca Thorn
 Trent Vanegas
 Sophia Schultz

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