AFI (A Fire Inside) is an American punk rock band from Ukiah, California, formed in 1991. The band's lineup stabilized in 1998 with lead vocalist Davey Havok, drummer and backing vocalist Adam Carson, bassist, backing vocalist and keyboardist Hunter Burgan, and guitarist, backing vocalist and keyboardist Jade Puget. Havok and Carson are the sole remaining original members. Originally a hardcore punk band, they have since delved into many genres.
Muse / Foo Fighters / Guns N' Roses / The Black Keys / blink-182 / The Strokes / Weezer / Linkin Park / Slipknot / Death Cab for Cutie / Beck / The Offspring / Franz Ferdinand / Incubus / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / The All-American Rejects / Keane / Jimmy Eat World / Sum 41 / The Prodigy / Interpol / Good Charlotte / Placebo / Staind / Aphex Twin / My Morning Jacket / Biffy Clyro / Elbow / The Used / Jane's Addiction / Scissor Sisters / OK Go / Jet / Bowling For Soup / Puddle of Mudd / Pulp / AFI / The Hives / The Kills / The Libertines / Dashboard Confessional / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / The Streets / The Dandy Warhols / New Found Glory / Razorlight / Billy Talent / NOFX / Doves / The Darkness / Alien Ant Farm / The Breeders / Unkle / Thrice / Reel Big Fish / Alkaline Trio / Peaches / Feeder / The Rapture / Pennywise / Goldfinger / Ladytron / Less Than Jake / Ash / Spiritualized / Billy Bragg / The Vines / Lamb / The Raveonettes / The Ataris / Sugarcult / The Mars Volta / Hot Hot Heat / Amon Tobin / Moldy Peaches / Grandaddy / blackalicious / The Futureheads / People Under the Stairs / cornershop / Electric Six / Just Jack / Junior Senior / Guided By Voices / The Spooks / Death In Vegas / The Bouncing Souls / Mercury Rev / Funeral for a Friend / Andrew W.K. / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Ben Kweller / Squarepusher / Finch / Sea Power / Saves The Day / Lagwagon / The Herbaliser / Cody Chesnutt / The Get Up Kids / The Polyphonic Spree / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Jon Spencer & the HITmakers / Face To Face / Audio Bullys / Bell X1 / Turbonegro / Mad Caddies / The Von Bondies / The Stills / No Use For A Name / Andy C / Sick of It All / The White Stripes / The Thrills / Brendan Benson / FC Kahuna / Outlandish / Sparta / Photek / A / Ima Robot / Har Mar Superstar / The Reindeer Section / Midtown / Adam F / Buck 65 / The Soundtrack Of Our Lives / Erol Alkan / Fenix*TX / Luke Vibert / Poison the Well / Rival Schools / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / The Datsuns / Hundred Reasons / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Boysetsfire / The Sleepy Jackson / Mclusky / Cave In / Evan Dando / Pretty Girls Make Graves / The Electric Soft Parade / Stellastarr / The (International) Noise Conspiracy / Simple Kid / Hot Rod Circuit / Freeland / The Movielife / Radio 4 / Sahara Hotnights / Princess Superstar / Zongamin / Sun / Amen / Hell Is for Heroes / Jesse James / InMe / Anti-Pop Consortium / The Anniversary / Haven / Longview / Longwave / Soledad Brothers / Manitoba / Millionaire / [Spunge] / The Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster / The Bellrays / Freq Nasty / Hope of the States / Capdown / Mull Historical Society / Alpinestars / Alec Empire / Dot Allison / calla / Blak Twang / The D4 / The Shining / Vendetta Red / Blade / Trik Turner / King Prawn / The Icarus Line / Raging Speedhorn / Six by Seven / Bandits / DJ Aphrodite / The Sons (Band) / Vex Red / Ikara Colt / Jackson / Span / Real / Rocket Science / The Buff Medways / Futureshock / The Sights / Bobby Conn / Hiss / Easyworld / The Blueskins / Serafin / Vue / Agenda / Lightyear / New Flesh / Sean Lock / Whirlwind Heat / Young Heart Attack / Fat Truckers / Jetplane Landing / Violent Delight / Dog / Minuteman / Pattern / The Parkinsons / The Cooper Temple Clause / Gold Chains / The Beatings / Instruction / My Computer / Winnebago Deal / The Majesticons / The Revs / Colour of Fire / Fallacy & Fusion / The Kennedy Soundtrack / The Applicators / Hoggboy / Dragpipe / This Girl / DJ Noise / Prosaics / The Bell Rays / Cardia / White Light Motorcade / Tetra Splendour / Cognition / maximum roach
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Muse / Foo Fighters / Guns N' Roses / blink-182 / The Strokes / The Black Keys / Weezer / Linkin Park / System of a Down / Slipknot / The Offspring / Beck / Death Cab for Cutie / Franz Ferdinand / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Incubus / The All-American Rejects / Sum 41 / Keane / Jimmy Eat World / The Prodigy / Interpol / Good Charlotte / Placebo / Aphex Twin / Staind / Pulp / The Used / My Morning Jacket / Biffy Clyro / The Hives / Bowling For Soup / Scissor Sisters / Elbow / Jane's Addiction / Puddle of Mudd / Jet / The Libertines / AFI / OK Go / The Kills / The Streets / Dashboard Confessional / Primal Scream / The Dandy Warhols / Razorlight / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / New Found Glory / Billy Talent / NOFX / Doves / The Darkness / The Breeders / Alien Ant Farm / Unkle / Thrice / Alkaline Trio / Reel Big Fish / The Vines / Ash / Feeder / Billy Bragg / Goldfinger / Pennywise / The Rapture / Peaches / Ladytron / Less Than Jake / Spiritualized / Guided By Voices / The Mars Volta / Lamb / Sugarcult / The Raveonettes / The Ataris / Grandaddy / Moldy Peaches / Hot Hot Heat / Amon Tobin / People Under the Stairs / blackalicious / The Herbaliser / Squarepusher / Finch / Electric Six / cornershop / The Futureheads / Just Jack / The Bouncing Souls / Mercury Rev / Death In Vegas / Funeral for a Friend / Junior Senior / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Andrew W.K. / The Spooks / Ben Kweller / Sea Power / Saves The Day / Lagwagon / The Get Up Kids / The Polyphonic Spree / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Cody Chesnutt / Face To Face / Bell X1 / Jon Spencer / Turbonegro / Audio Bullys / Mad Caddies / Andy C / The Von Bondies / No Use For A Name / Sick of It All / The Stills / Brendan Benson / Outlandish / FC Kahuna / The White Stripes / Sparta / The Thrills / Photek / Fenix*TX / Poison the Well / The Soundtrack Of Our Lives / A / Midtown / Adam F / Har Mar Superstar / Ima Robot / Rival Schools / Luke Vibert / Buck 65 / The Reindeer Section / Erol Alkan / The Datsuns / Hundred Reasons / Mclusky / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Boysetsfire / Cave In / The Sleepy Jackson / Pretty Girls Make Graves / Evan Dando / The Electric Soft Parade / The (International) Noise Conspiracy / Haven / Stellastarr / Amen / The Movielife / Hot Rod Circuit / Simple Kid / Sahara Hotnights / Sun / Radio 4 / Princess Superstar / Freeland / Hell Is for Heroes / Zongamin / InMe / The Anniversary / Jesse James / Anti-Pop Consortium / Longview / Longwave / [Spunge] / Soledad Brothers / Millionaire / The Bellrays / The Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster / Manitoba / Alec Empire / Hope of the States / Freq Nasty / Capdown / Mull Historical Society / Alpinestars / Dot Allison / calla / Blak Twang / The D4 / Vendetta Red / The Shining / King Prawn / Blade / Raging Speedhorn / Trik Turner / The Icarus Line / Six by Seven / Span / Bandits / DJ Aphrodite / Vex Red / The Sons (Band) / Ikara Colt / Hiss / Jackson / Rocket Science / Real / The Buff Medways / Sean Lock / Bobby Conn / Futureshock / The Sights / Easyworld / Agenda / The Blueskins / Serafin / Lightyear / Vue / New Flesh / Pattern / Whirlwind Heat / Dog / Jetplane Landing / Young Heart Attack / Fat Truckers / Violent Delight / Minuteman / The Parkinsons / The Cooper Temple Clause / Gold Chains / The Beatings / Instruction / My Computer / Colour of Fire / The Revs / Winnebago Deal / The Majesticons / Fallacy & Fusion / The Kennedy Soundtrack / The Applicators / Hoggboy / Dragpipe / DJ Noise / This Girl / Prosaics / The Bell Rays / Cardia / White Light Motorcade / Cognition / Tetra Splendour / maximum roach
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blink-182 / Radio 4 / The Applicators / The Buff Medways / Colour of Fire / Dot Allison / New Flesh / Dog / Rocket Science / Luke Vibert / Bowling For Soup / Lightyear / FC Kahuna / Fat Truckers / Alien Ant Farm / Gold Chains / Puddle of Mudd / Cardia / Real / Soledad Brothers / Buck 65 / Simple Kid / Futureshock / Bandits / Adam F / The Spooks / Jackson / The Majesticons / Winnebago Deal / Alpinestars / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Easyworld / Pattern / Cody Chesnutt / Princess Superstar / The Reindeer Section / Pretty Girls Make Graves / Jetplane Landing / Minuteman / The Kennedy Soundtrack / Bell X1 / Linkin Park / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Placebo / Doves / The Anniversary / Hoggboy / No Use For A Name / calla / cornershop / Lagwagon / Vendetta Red / Cave In / OK Go / Billy Bragg / The Stills / Death In Vegas / Electric Six / Goldfinger / Mad Caddies / Scissor Sisters / Bobby Conn / Whirlwind Heat / The Streets / British Sea Power / Hell Is for Heroes / [Spunge] / The Herbaliser / Ima Robot / The Thrills / Andy C / Anti-Pop Consortium / Manitoba / Photek / Billy Talent / The Futureheads / Cognition / AFI / Sugarcult / The Raveonettes / The Used / The Rapture / Prosaics / The Darkness / Ikara Colt / The Parkinsons / The Kills / Death Cab for Cutie / Hot Hot Heat / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / This Girl / The Polyphonic Spree / Razorlight / Hope of the States / Freeland / King Prawn / The All-American Rejects / Thrice / Evan Dando / Dragpipe / Vue / Serafin / Alec Empire / Junior Senior / Ladytron / Blade / The Movielife / The Revs / The Blueskins / DJ Noise / Fenix*TX / Six by Seven / A / Jet / Grandaddy / The Shining / The Soundtrack Of Our Lives / My Morning Jacket / Lamb / Sean Lock / Millionaire / The Sleepy Jackson / The Sights / Har Mar Superstar / Erol Alkan / Tetra Splendour / Peaches / Finch / The Datsuns / The (International) Noise Conspiracy / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Guns N' Roses / The Bellrays / Pulp / NOFX / Amen / Weezer / The Von Bondies / Feeder / Mercury Rev / Slipknot / New Found Glory / The Offspring / The Strokes / Biffy Clyro / The Libertines / Hundred Reasons / Dashboard Confessional / Ash / Sum 41 / Muse / The Black Keys / Rival Schools / Vex Red / Jimmy Eat World / The Beatings / Agenda / Mclusky / Hot Rod Circuit / Midtown / Longwave / The Bouncing Souls / The Icarus Line / InMe / Jesse James / Ben Kweller / Longview / White Light Motorcade / Foo Fighters / Elbow / The Get Up Kids / Sun / Zongamin / blackalicious / Funeral for a Friend / Brendan Benson / Trik Turner / Blak Twang / Reel Big Fish / Alkaline Trio / Hiss / My Computer / The Sons / Capdown / Spiritualized / Good Charlotte / The Ataris / Audio Bullys / Young Heart Attack / Keane / Squarepusher / The Mars Volta / Raging Speedhorn / Instruction / Span / Staind / Fallacy & Fusion / People Under the Stairs / DJ Aphrodite / maximum roach / Unkle / Stellastarr / The Electric Soft Parade / Mull Historical Society / Face To Face / Just Jack / Poison the Well / Sick of It All / Boysetsfire / The Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster / Outlandish / Haven / Turbonegro / Freq Nasty / Violent Delight / Pennywise / Franz Ferdinand / Amon Tobin / Beck / Incubus / The Prodigy / Interpol / The Hives / Jane's Addiction / Aphex Twin / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / The Dandy Warhols / The Vines / The Breeders / Less Than Jake / Moldy Peaches / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Saves The Day / Guided By Voices / Andrew W.K. / The White Stripes / The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion / Sparta / Sahara Hotnights / The D4 / The Cooper Temple Clause / The Bell Rays
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AFI / Bad Religion / Flogging Molly / Good Charlotte / Hot Water Music / Morgan Heritage / MxPx / New Found Glory / Reel Big Fish / Thursday / Alkaline Trio / Anti-Flag / Lagwagon / The Mighty Mighty Bosstones / No Use For A Name / NOFX / Ozma / Trust Company / The Casualties / Gob / Midtown / Quarashi / Sw1tched / The Used / Yellowcard / Deviates / Fairview / The Line / Name Taken / Pepper / Places To Park / Wanted Dead / Allister / American Hi-Fi / Autopilot Off / The Early November / Finch / Glassjaw / Heffer 85 / Home Grown / The Movielife / Showoff / The Starting Line / Vex Red / The AEffect / Narcissus / Over It / Park / Staring Back / SweaterGirl / Tantor / Throwdown / Audio Karate / China White / The Eyeliners / Fetish / LoBall / Too Rude / Useless ID / The Waking Hours / Conspiracy Of Thought / Mind Driver / Natural Afrodisiac / Rudiger / Death by Stereo / RX Bandits / Never Heard of It
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