2:54 is a rock band which formed in 2010 in London, England. The band consists of Colette Thurlow (vocals, guitar), Hannah Thurlow (guitar), Joel Porter (bass) and Alex Robins (drums). The band is named for the timecode of a specific drumroll on the Melvins song "A History of Bad Men".
Bastille / The Drums / Lucy Rose / Peace / Kyla La Grange / Willy Mason / Rae Morris / Summer Camp / D.I.D / Pulled Apart By Horses / Turbowolf / 2:54 / Pearl and the Beard / Ryan Keen / Cairobi / Random Impulse / THePETEBOX / Broken Hands / The Wonder Villains / Deaf Club / Being There / Dirty Goods
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Emeli Sandé / Daughter / James Vincent McMorrow / Jessie Ware / Madeon / Lianne La Havas / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Selah Sue / Tove Styrke / Lemaitre / Jamie N Commons / God Is An Astronaut / Anna Calvi / Still Corners / Imany / Matthew and the Atlas / Iceage / De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig / Triggerfinger / Baxter Dury / Fionn Regan / Sóley / Spector / Tribes / Veronica Falls / D.I.D / Housse de Racket / Gers Pardoel / Theme Park / SX / De Staat / I Am Oak / Blaudzun / Frànçois and The Atlas Mountains / Sleep Party People / Spinvis / Dope D.O.D. / Gem / Intergalactic Lovers / Team Me / Thomas Azier / Jape / Moss / Ewert and the Two Dragons / Chateau Marmont / Peggy Sue / The Black Atlantic / 2:54 / I Got You On Tape / I Heart Sharks / Muchachito Bombo Infierno / Amatorski / The Webb Sisters / Lay Low / Paul Thomas Saunders / Alamo Race Track / Pete Philly / Bodi Bill / Mujuice / Redinho / Daz / the Glasses / Krystl / 22 / Francis / Cairobi / The Computers / 120 Days / Talking To Turtles / Roosbeef / Mujeres / Mojo Fury / The Minutes / Cashier No. 9 / Instrumenti / Squarehead / Pinkunoizu / Arthur Adams / AKS / Mesparrow / Dio / Anna Aaron / Rocketnumbernine / Elektro Guzzi / The Suicide of Western Culture / Postman / Ghostigital / LaFaro / Rococo / A Silent Express / Emmett Tinley / Gnucci Banana / Fabrizio Cammarata / Thulebasen / Mala Vita / Old Jerusalem / Audio Adam / Saedi / Baconhead / Mahagon / Gomes / Bitches With Wolves / Phuture Shock / Thread Pulls / Fenn / Akkachar / Kroons / Sascha Elisah / Under Milk Wood / DJ Gusztav
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Under the Driftwood Tree / Joe Driscoll / Laura J Martin / The Cave Singers / Iron & Wine / Treefight For Sunlight / Tender Prey / One Sixth of Tommy / The Burns Unit / No Thee No Ess / Sic Alps / The Travelling Band / Ben Howard / Gruff Rhys / Ellen and the Escapades / Joséphine / Villagers / Cover to Cover / Matthew and the Atlas / She Keeps Bees / Destroyer / Chailo Sim / Moddi / Ute / Doozer / Zwolf / Neverest Songs / We Were Evergreen / Treecreeper / Zervas & Pepper / James Yorkston / The Sleeping Years / 2:54 / Oh Ruin! / London Afrobeat Collective / Rachael Dadd / The Antlers / Michael Kiwanuka / Wild Nothing / The Low Anthem / Jen Long / Y Niwl / Tweak Bird / Admiral Fallow / The Folks / Laura Marling / The Bleedin' Noses / Martin Carr / Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog / Marcus Foster / Younghusband / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / H. Hawkline / Feeling Gloomy / Holy Fuck / Lia Ices / Emily Barker / Suuns / Other Lives / John Mouse / Wibidi / Bellowhead / Squarepusher / 9Bach / Thomas Dybdahl / Clark / Robyn Hitchcock / The Gentle Good / The Leisure Society / Josh T. Pearson / The Ramshackle Union Band / Meilir Tomos / Fleet Foxes / Polar Bear / Duotone / Mancub Babywoman / Hannah Peel / Driver Drive Faster / James Vincent McMorrow / Bleeding Heart Narrative / Alessi's Ark / James Blake / The Avett Brothers / Explosions in the Sky / Dry the River / Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo / Our Broken Garden / Noah and the Whale / Siddy bennett
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Example / Warpaint / The Maccabees / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / McFly / The Antlers / Caravan Palace / Toots & The Maytals / Newton Faulkner / Born Ruffians / Other Lives / Little Comets / Blood Red Shoes / Kyla La Grange / Givers / Dry the River / Reef / Graham Coxon / Liam Bailey / I Am Kloot / Kitty, Daisy & Lewis / Pete and The Pirates / John Cooper Clarke / Young Knives / Teddy Thompson / The Leisure Society / Dutch Uncles / Chapel Club / C.W. Stoneking / Admiral Fallow / Factory Floor / Dionne Bromfield / Wolf People / Shonen Knife / Tom Baxter / Bellowhead / Showaddywaddy / The Black Atlantic / 2:54 / Skinny Lister / The Phantom Band / Wilko Johnson / The Daydream Club / The Jim Jones Revue / The Heartbreaks / Raghu Dixit / The Bees (UK) / Flashguns / Tom Williams / The Cuban Brothers / Beth Jeans Houghton / By the Rivers / Mama Rosin / The Agitator / My First Tooth / Dizraeli and the Small Gods / I Am in Love / Delta Maid / Elliott Morris / Martha Bean / Gallery 47 / Dark Dark Horse / Uncle Frank / Hhymn / Whybirds / The Lysergic Suite / Yaaks / We Three and the Death Rattle / Silent Devices / The Rassoodocks
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Washed Out / Caravan Palace / Battles / Little Boots / Lamb / Hercules & Love Affair / The Bones / Born Ruffians / John Grant / Redlight / Julio Bashmore / Jack Savoretti / Saul Williams / Azari & III / MJ Cole / Baxter Dury / Hypnotic Brass Ensemble / Funeral Suits / John Cooper Clarke / Herve / Stealing Sheep / Dananananaykroyd / Errors / Beans on Toast / The Correspondents / Egyptian Hip Hop / Zinc / Three Trapped Tigers / 2:54 / Trophy Wife / Dan Le Sac / Broken Records / Penguin Cafe / Deadboy / Bok Bok / Jackmaster / Sinden / Filthy Dukes / Redinho / The Mummers / Egyptrixx / Goldheart Assembly / Ahab / Malachai / Raghu Dixit / Gallops / The Travelling Band / Teeth of the Sea / Pete Lawrie / Dread MC / Worship / Numbers / Moulettes / The Hempolics / Sound of Rum / Zun Zun Egui / Chrome Hoof / Bass Clef / Brassroots / Cocos Lovers / Revere / Tripwires / White Noise Sound / Dollop / Nick Hollywood / Tayo / The Cedars / Ultimate Power / Real Nice / Maddox / Martelo / DJ Derek / Serious Sam Barrett / Howard Marks / little robots / Chapter 24 / Deathray Trebuchay / Pushing Hands / James Delay / I-rok / Trenton & Free Radical / Troubadour Rose / another night / Swing Zazou / Plaster of Paris / Kidnap Alice / The Traveling Band / Fuzzystar / White Mink / The Wagon Tales / Brendan Rogers / Chicken Shed Zeppelin / Silvermoths / Cut A Shine / Cosmicorus / Plastic Thumbs / Jessie Lee Burn / Kid Fiesta / Loose Moose / Africa Express Soundsystem / Sam Lewis (UK) / Bassroots / Yellowbellys / Holloway Jug Band / Phil Lamb / MC Karizma / Kitdafos / Silver Moths / Martha & the Arthurs
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James Blake / SBTRKT / Jamie xx / Warpaint / Four Tet / Twin Shadow / The Horrors / Mount Kimbie / The Coral / Wild Beasts / Villagers / Jamie Woon / Junip / Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti / Born Ruffians / Zola Jesus / Matthew Dear / Givers / Glasser / Oneohtrix Point Never / Connan Mockasin / Floating Points / Cloud Control / Anna Calvi / Ducktails / John Cale / Willy Mason / The Sea And Cake / Actress / Gruff Rhys / Chad Valley / Carl Craig / Tribes / Darkstar / Electrelane / Veronica Falls / Mark Kozelek / James Holden / Faust / Michael Mayer / Factory Floor / Clock Opera / The Chimes / Ramadanman / Omar Souleyman / Anika / S.C.U.M / Pearson Sound / 2:54 / Trophy Wife / Konono n°1 / The History of Apple Pie / Hype Williams / Roska / L-VIS 1990 / Sun Ra Arkestra / Cocknbullkid / Brackles / About Group / John McIvor / Prizes / Huw Stephens / Casper C / Eat Your Own Ears Djs
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James Blake / SBTRKT / Jamie xx / Four Tet / Warpaint / Twin Shadow / The Horrors / Mount Kimbie / The Coral / Villagers / Jamie Woon / Wild Beasts / Junip / Floating Points / Connan Mockasin / Born Ruffians / Zola Jesus / Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti / Oneohtrix Point Never / Matthew Dear / Anna Calvi / Cloud Control / Givers / Glasser / John Cale / Ducktails / Willy Mason / Actress / Gruff Rhys / The Sea And Cake / Chad Valley / Carl Craig / Electrelane / Tribes / Darkstar / Mark Kozelek / James Holden / Veronica Falls / Faust / Michael Mayer / Anika / Factory Floor / Omar Souleyman / Clock Opera / The Chimes / Ramadanman / Pearson Sound / S.C.U.M / 2:54 / Trophy Wife / Konono n°1 / Hype Williams / The History of Apple Pie / Roska / Sun Ra Arkestra / L-VIS 1990 / Anita Blay / Brackles / About Group / Prizes / John McIvor / Huw Stephens / Casper C / Eat Your Own Ears Djs
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Ed Sheeran / Foster The People / Bastille / Grouplove / Young the Giant / Sufjan Stevens / The Naked and Famous / Ben Howard / Daughter / Little Dragon / SBTRKT / The Vaccines / DJ Shadow / Warpaint / Cults / Friendly Fires / Katy B / Twin Shadow / The Antlers / The Joy Formidable / Frank Turner / K.Flay / Max Richter / Lucy Rose / Villagers / Holy Ghost / Okkervil River / White Denim / Yuck / The Jezabels / Wolf Gang / Guillemots / Dustin O'Halloran / Cloud Control / Anna Calvi / Kyla La Grange / Dry the River / Ghostpoet / Alela Diane / Matthew and the Atlas / The Secret Sisters / Said the Whale / Gang Gang Dance / Art Brut / Star Slinger / Braids / Suuns / Actress / EMA / The Soft Moon / Mona / Hey Rosetta! / Hauschka / Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows / Tribes / Dark Dark Dark / Young Empires / Anoraak / Seekae / Breton / Kitten / Dutch Uncles / Dent May / DZ Deathrays / Big Deal / Lanterns on the Lake / Factory Floor / John Cooper Clarke / Deep Sea Arcade / The Phoenix Foundation / I Am Oak / The Wave Pictures / TEETH / Bleeding Knees Club / Team Me / Luke Abbott / PVT / Fear of Men / Frankie & The Heartstrings / Marcus Foster / Dels / Holidays / Josh T. Pearson / Rachel Sermanni / The Sound of Arrows / Moddi / Smoke Fairies / Alice Gold / 2:54 / Trophy Wife / Brasstronaut / Fight Like Apes / Winter Gloves / The History of Apple Pie / DM Stith / AnR / Fredrika Stahl / Treefight For Sunlight / Evergreen Official / Viva Brother / P.S. I Love You / Heathers / Fiction / Hobbie Stuart / The Heartbreaks / Echo Lake / LCMDF / Seams / Mondkopf / Cocknbullkid / Gallops / In-Flight Safety / Woodhands / Paris Suit Yourself / Team Ghost / Worship / Die! Die! Die! / Two Wounded Birds / Idiot Glee / Spark / Let's Buy Happiness / Rebeka / Nedry / David J. Roch / Lewis Floyd Henry / General / Visions of Trees / worriedaboutsatan / Dad Rocks! / My First Tooth / Bonjay / Black Lungs / The Victorian English Gentlemens Club / Gable / Becoming Real / Tripwires / Bonfires / Freeze the Atlantic / The Mountains & the Trees / Dan Parsons / Melodica, Melody and Me / Paper Crows / Oh So Quiet / We Are The Physics / Delta Maid / Lucy Swann / Us Baby Bear Bones / Modern Superstitions / Marina Gasolina / Malpas / Jumping Ships / Look, Stranger! / I Dream In Colour / Babe, Terror / NLF3 / Marques / Hot Horizons / Nicholas Stevenson / CAP PAS CAP / Skinny Machines / Cat Matador / Young Empire / Folie Ordinaire / Deadwax / Anoorak / Louis Abbott / Megan Goodwin
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Ed Sheeran / Foster The People / Bastille / Sufjan Stevens / Grouplove / Young the Giant / Ben Howard / The Naked and Famous / Daughter / Little Dragon / The Vaccines / SBTRKT / Cults / DJ Shadow / Warpaint / Friendly Fires / K.Flay / Max Richter / Katy B / Twin Shadow / Frank Turner / The Antlers / The Joy Formidable / Villagers / Lucy Rose / Holy Ghost / Okkervil River / White Denim / Yuck / Dustin O'Halloran / The Jezabels / Wolf Gang / Anna Calvi / Cloud Control / Ghostpoet / Kyla La Grange / Guillemots / Dry the River / Alela Diane / Matthew and the Atlas / The Secret Sisters / Said the Whale / Suuns / Actress / Gang Gang Dance / Art Brut / The Soft Moon / Star Slinger / Braids / EMA / Mona / Hey Rosetta! / Hauschka / Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows / Seekae / Dark Dark Dark / Tribes / DZ Deathrays / Anoraak / Dent May / Kitten / Young Empires / John Cooper Clarke / Breton / Dutch Uncles / Lanterns on the Lake / Big Deal / I Am Oak / The Wave Pictures / The Phoenix Foundation / Deep Sea Arcade / Factory Floor / TEETH / Bleeding Knees Club / Luke Abbott / Team Me / Fear of Men / PVT / Moddi / Marcus Foster / Dels / Frankie & The Heartstrings / Rachel Sermanni / Holidays / Josh T. Pearson / Smoke Fairies / The Sound of Arrows / Alice Gold / Brasstronaut / 2:54 / Trophy Wife / Fight Like Apes / Fredrika Stahl / The History of Apple Pie / Winter Gloves / DM Stith / AnR / Treefight For Sunlight / Hobbie Stuart / Viva Brother / P.S. I Love You / Evergreen Official / Heathers / Fiction / Seams / Mondkopf / Echo Lake / The Heartbreaks / LCMDF / Anita Blay / Gallops / In-Flight Safety / Woodhands / Worship / Paris Suit Yourself / Team Ghost / Spark / Die! Die! Die! / Two Wounded Birds / Lewis Floyd Henry / Rebeka / Idiot Glee / Let's Buy Happiness / David J. Roch / Nedry / worriedaboutsatan / General / Visions of Trees / Dad Rocks! / Bonjay / My First Tooth / Black Lungs / Bonfires / Freeze the Atlantic / Gable / The Victorian English Gentlemens Club / Becoming Real / Tripwires / Dan Parsons / Oh So Quiet / Lucy Swann / The Mountains & the Trees / Melodica, Melody and Me / Paper Crows / Delta Maid / Us Baby Bear Bones / Marques / We Are The Physics / Modern Superstitions / Marina Gasolina / Malpas / Jumping Ships / Look, Stranger! / I Dream In Colour / Babe, Terror / NLF3 / Nicholas Stevenson / Hot Horizons / CAP PAS CAP / Skinny Machines / Deadwax / Cat Matador / Folie Ordinaire / Young Empire / Louis Abbott / Anoorak / Megan Goodwin
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SBTRKT / Razorlight / Giggs / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Django Django / Maverick Sabre / Villagers / Miles Kane / Simian Mobile Disco / Bear's Den / The Bones / The Lemonheads / The Staves / Hudson Mohawke / Riff Raff / MNDR / The View / Slow Club / Killing Joke / OFWGKTA / Lethal Bizzle / Wolf Gang / Hadouken! / Sea Power / Little Comets / Vaults / Cloud Control / Guillemots / Ghostpoet / Dry the River / Graham Coxon / King Charles / P Money / Cate Le Bon / Star Slinger / The Qemists / St. Etienne / Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows / Toddla T / The King Blues / Nerina Pallot / Veronica Falls / Young Empires / Housse de Racket / Pete and The Pirates / Eagulls / Dutch Uncles / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Those Dancing Days / Big Deal / TEETH / Voxhaul Broadcast / Dananananaykroyd / PVT / Jonquil / Arcane Roots / Frankie & The Heartstrings / Dels / Rainbow Arabia / Turbowolf / S.C.U.M / Lovestarrs / Johnny Foreigner / Creep / Lulu and the Lampshades / Alice Gold / Peggy Sue / Various Cruelties / Heights / 2:54 / Marques Toliver / The Phantom Band / Bo Ningen / The History of Apple Pie / High Rankin / Young Dreams / The Russian Futurists / Mazes / Engine-EarZ Experiment / Treetop Flyers / Cerebral Ballzy / R/D / Mirrors / Heathers / Bright Light Bright Light / Fiction / Mercedes / Spectrals / Mz Bratt / Civil Civic / Ahab / Sarabeth Tucek / Anita Blay / Gallops / Kong / Random Impulse / The Computers / The Lines / Tom Williams / Beth Jeans Houghton / Paris Suit Yourself / Sauna Youth / Team Ghost / Piney Gir / Banjo Or Freakout / Two Wounded Birds / The Crowns / John & Jehn / Sound of Rum / Dam Mantle / Fever Fever / Let's Buy Happiness / Wild Palms / Viv Albertine / Bear Driver / Transfer / The Chapman Family / Visions of Trees / The Agitator / Attack! Attack! (UK) / Ultrasound / Japanese Voyeurs / Young Legionnaire / Gable / Bleech / Hawk Eyes / Becoming Real / The Flats / Lux Lisbon / Comanechi / the divorce / Spotlight Kid / The Mountains & the Trees / Sissy & The Blisters / T.E.E.D / Gaoler's Daughter / Evi Vine / Warrior One / We Are Animal / Benjamin Folke Thomas / Polarbear / Films Of Colour / Pussycat & The Dirty Johnsons / Martyna Baker / Turbogeist / Never Means Maybe / Hoodlums / Roxanne de Bastion / Holy State / The Dogbones / Foreign Office / The City Shanty Band / Mums of Death / Ghosts You Echo / Mat Motte / GREAT ANCESTORS / Hedoniacs / Right Click Save As / Tom Farrer & the Pharaohs / Rightclicksaveas / The Din Uk / Delta Maid / Cocknbullkid
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James Blake / Aloe Blacc / Gabrielle Aplin / Slow Club / Anna Calvi / Cloud Control / Still Corners / The Twilight Sad / The Duke Spirit / The Whip / Tribes / Young Knives / Cosmo Jarvis / Dutch Uncles / Katzenjammer / Lanterns on the Lake / Saint Saviour / Pulled Apart By Horses / Marcus Foster / Adult Jazz / Findlay / Various Cruelties / 2:54 / Tall Ships / Trophy Wife / Let's Wrestle / Paul Thomas Saunders / Mazes / All The Young / Jon Fratelli / Polarsets / Kassidy / The Films / Swimming / Fixers / Circles / Cocknbullkid / The Lines / Kong / Sam Airey / Spark / The Chapman Family / Young Legionnaire / Entrepreneurs / Blacklisters / Lovebites / Sissy & The Blisters / Club Smith / Wot Gorilla / Catherine A.D. / Humanfly / Blood Oranges / The Starlings / Just Handshakes (We're British) / These Monsters / Castrovalva / Runaround Kids / Loose Talk Costs Lives / Insect Guide / Soul Circus / Yonderboy / Arthur Rigby & The Baskervylles / Killing Fields of Ontario / Stalking Horse / Foreign Office / Heart-Ships / Yaaks / Laboratory Noise / Honour Before Glory / Double Muscle / maggie8 / Aviaries / Love at Death Beach / Escort Knights / Hail Animator / Milk White Teeth / Little Parades / The Futureheads
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James Blake / Aloe Blacc / Gabrielle Aplin / Slow Club / Still Corners / Anna Calvi / Cloud Control / The Twilight Sad / The Duke Spirit / The Whip / Tribes / Young Knives / Cosmo Jarvis / Katzenjammer / Dutch Uncles / Lanterns on the Lake / Saint Saviour / Pulled Apart By Horses / Findlay / Adult Jazz / Marcus Foster / Various Cruelties / 2:54 / Trophy Wife / Let's Wrestle / Tall Ships / Paul Thomas Saunders / All The Young / Mazes / Jon Fratelli / Polarsets / Kassidy / The Films / Swimming / Fixers / Circles / Anita Blay / Kong / The Lines / Spark / Sam Airey / The Chapman Family / Lovebites / Young Legionnaire / Blacklisters / Entrepreneurs / The Starlings / Sissy & The Blisters / Club Smith / Wot Gorilla / Catherine A.D. / Blood Oranges / Humanfly / Just Handshakes (We're British) / These Monsters / Castrovalva / Runaround Kids / Loose Talk Costs Lives / Soul Circus / Insect Guide / Yonderboy / Arthur Rigby & The Baskervylles / Stalking Horse / Killing Fields of Ontario / Foreign Office / Heart-Ships / Yaaks / Laboratory Noise / Honour Before Glory / Aviaries / maggie8 / Double Muscle / Escort Knights / Love at Death Beach / Hail Animator / Milk White Teeth / Little Parades
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