Antilog's Concert Archive

Joined November 2023    

Pink Floyd

The Division Bell Tour

Jun 4, 1994 (31 years ago)

Veterans Stadium     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Saturday, June 04, 1994
Veterans Stadium
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

w/ Jimmy Bagel & Hass

Division Bell Tour

Genres Seen

Art Rock, Avant-Garde, Classic Rock, Experimental Rock, Hard Rock, Progressive, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic, Psychedelic Pop, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Rock Opera, Space Rock, Symphonic Rock, British, Album Oriented Rock (AOR), Dad Rock, and Favoritos.


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Pink Floyd on Jun 4, 1994 [243-small]

  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Pink Floyd on Jun 4, 1994 [067-small]

  Uploaded by Charlie Kennedy

 Donald T Long
 Denise Getchell
 Gregory Linton
 Sue Super
 Scott Wilkinson
 Charlie Kennedy
 Rj Llewellyn
 Ren Abnett

Denise Getchell Feb 25, 2024

This was my 2nd time to see them. A groups of us took a limo to the show and the driver let us play our cds for the ride there and home. Our seats were second row on the first level about half way from stage. I could not seat still and a friend and I were able to walk right down on the floor to dance. The sound system was so awesome the sound went right through you. Hearing the crowd sing the songs was a vibrational experience that is hard to describe. A show i will never forget.

Gregory Linton Mar 07, 2021

We were not as close as last time but the shows are so large and the sound system so good that it doesn't really matter. Hearing all of Shine On You Crazy Diamond was awesome. David plays perfectly through out these shows, he is a top notch guitar player.

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