Foxing / The Hotelier / Glitterer

Feb 20, 2024 (12 months ago)

The Observatory     Santa Ana, California, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Concert Details

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
The Observatory
Santa Ana, California, United States

Genres Seen

Emo 3 bands


Alternative Emo 3 bands

Alternative Emo:

Dreamo 3 bands


Indie 2 bands


Indie Rock 2 bands

Indie Rock:

Math Rock 2 bands

Math Rock:

Midwest Emo 2 bands

Midwest Emo:

Shoegaze 2 bands


Anthem Emo 2 bands

Anthem Emo:

Bubblegrunge 2 bands


Indie Punk 2 bands

Indie Punk:

Nu Gaze 2 bands

Nu Gaze:

Alternative Dance 1 band

Alternative Dance:

Dream Pop 1 band

Dream Pop:

Electronic 1 band


Garage Rock 1 band

Garage Rock:

Indietronica 1 band


New Rave 1 band

New Rave:

Noise Pop 1 band

Noise Pop:

Pop Punk 1 band

Pop Punk:

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Foxing setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 02/21/2024), which may be similar:
  1. Bloodhound
  2. Inuit
  3. "The Medic"
  4. "Pent Up in a Blind"
  5. Rory
  6. "Bit by a Dead Bee Pt 1"
  7. "Bit by a Dead Bee Pt 2"
  8. "Den Mother"
  9. "Calm Before"
  10. Quietus
  11. "Grand Paradise"
  12. "The Magdalene"
  13. "Lich Prince"
  14. "Nearer My God"
The Hotelier setlist:
  1. N 43° 33' 55.676" W 72° 45' 11.914"
  2. Two Deliverances
  3. Vacancy
  4. An Ode to the Nite Ratz Club
  5. Settle the Scar
  6. Goodness Pt. 2
  7. An Introduction to the Album
  8. The Scope of All of This Rebuilding
  9. In Framing
  10. Your Deep Rest
  11. Among the Wildflowers
  12. Life in Drag
  13. Housebroken
  14. Discomfort Revisited
  15. Dendron
Glitterer setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 02/17/2024), which may be similar:
  1. "Are You Sure?"


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 Willard Franklin
 Logan Le Buis
 Adrian Rodriguez

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