Forests / Macseal / Arm's Length / Origami Angel

Nov 1, 2024 (4 months ago)

The Glass House Concert Hall     Pomona, California, United States


Band Line-up

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Bands Not Seen


Concert Details

Friday, November 01, 2024
The Glass House Concert Hall
Pomona, California, United States

Genres Seen

Emo 3 bands


Indie 3 bands


Indie Rock 3 bands

Indie Rock:

Midwest Emo 3 bands

Midwest Emo:

Alternative Emo 3 bands

Alternative Emo:

Math Rock 2 bands

Math Rock:

Pop Punk 2 bands

Pop Punk:

Punk 2 bands


Alternative 2 bands


Anthem Emo 2 bands

Anthem Emo:

Bubblegrunge 2 bands


DIY Emo 2 bands

DIY Emo:

Alternative Rock 1 band

Alternative Rock:

Dark Ambient 1 band

Dark Ambient:

Rock 1 band


Canadian 1 band


Dreamo 1 band


Small Room 1 band

Small Room:

Indie Punk 1 band

Indie Punk:

Long Island Punk 1 band

Long Island Punk:

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Macseal setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 11/02/2024), which may be similar:
  1. "Lucky for Some"
  2. "Your Door"
  3. "Beach Vacation"
  4. Sandbox
  5. Cats
  6. "Nothing's a Sure Thing
  7. Shelly"
  8. Harry
  9. "Mystery Inc."
  10. "Golden Harbor"
  11. "Next to You"
Arm's Length setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 11/02/2024), which may be similar:
  1. "In Loving Memory"
  2. "Object Permanence"
  3. "Formative Age"
  4. "No Sleep"
  5. "Up In Smoke"
  6. "Playing Mercy"
  7. "Tough Love"
  8. Overture
  9. Garamond
Origami Angel setlist:
  1. 24 Hr Drive-Thru
  2. Wretched Trajectory
  3. Doctor Whomst
  4. Skeleton Key
  5. Self-Destruct
  6. Thank You, New Jersey
  7. Noah Fence
  8. Fruit Wine
  9. Underneath My Skin
  10. secondgradefoofight
  11. Ruby
  12. Caught in the Moment
  13. Escape Rope
  14. The Title Track
  15. 666 Flags
  16. Feeling Not Found
Forests setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 11/02/2024), which may be similar:
  1. "You Must Be Fun at Parties"
  2. "You Seem A Little Anxious"
  3. "Kawaii Hawaii"
  4. "Jazz Ruined My Life"
  5. "Cup of Tea"
  6. Tamago


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 Adrian Rodriguez

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