Cavetown / Ricky Montgomery / Miloe

Feb 19, 2023 (2 years ago)

Barrowland Ballroom     Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Bands Not Seen


Concert Details

Sunday, February 19, 2023
Barrowland Ballroom
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Genres Seen

Indie 2 bands


Indie Pop 2 bands

Indie Pop:

Pop 2 bands


Pov: Indie 2 bands

Pov: Indie:

Bedroom Pop 1 band

Bedroom Pop:

Indie Rock 1 band

Indie Rock:

Lo-Fi 1 band


Pop Rock 1 band

Pop Rock:

British 1 band


La Indie 1 band

La Indie:

United States 1 band

United States:

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Cavetown setlist:
  1. worm food
  2. fall in love with a girl
  3. Lemon Boy
  4. Green
  5. grey space
  6. Guilty
  7. 1994
  8. heart attack
  9. wasabi
  10. Hug All Ur Friends
  11. Let Me Feel Low
  12. kill u
  13. a kind thing to do
  14. Feb 14
  15. laundry day
  16. frog
  17. Juliet
  18. Home
  19. Boys Will Be Bugs
  20. Devil Town
Ricky Montgomery setlist:
  1. Mr Loverman
  2. Line Without a Hook
  3. Talk to You
  4. Sorry for Me
  5. Cabo
  6. Out Like a Light
  7. I Don't Love You Anymore
Miloe setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 02/18/2023), which may be similar:
  1. rewind
  2. "108.55 FM"
  3. Greenhouse
  4. Winona
  5. Floating


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