Geert has 2 Doe Maar concerts.

Dutch pop band Doe Maar (1978-1984; reunions in 1999-2000 and 2008-2022) is the most popular and succesful Dutch-language pop act ever. Their musical cocktail of pop, ska, punk and reggae was uniquely (sometimes frighteningly) popular in the first half of the 1980s in The Netherlands.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 08, 2017
"Bospop" / Doe Maar / Beth Hart / Laurence Jones / Blof / Vintage Trouble / Pretenders / Tyler Bryant & the Shakedown / The Magpie Salute
Sportpark Boshoven Weert, Limburg, Netherlands
May 13, 2000
Doe Maar Rotterdam Ahoy Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands

Some Videos From These Concerts

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138 users have seen Doe Maar including:
 Gerard Vreeswijk
 Mz Hyde
 Thijs Db
 Stay Vaughn
 Simon Vt

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