The Flavor Savers's 2015 Concert History

The Flavors Savers are one of the most elec­tric party bands on earth. They per­form orig­i­nal tunes blend­ing elec­tro, rock, disco and hip-hop gen­res and their live show com­bines the­atri­cal dance rou­tines, ridicu­lous cos­tumes, and a truly unique sonic expe­ri­ence. If an audi­ence doesn’t cheer exces­sively, laugh hys­ter­i­cally, and dance out of con­trol, then The Flavor Savers didn’t do their job.

Date Concert Venue Location
Dec 15, 2015
Live Band Karaoke / The Flavor Savers

LH/ST/AT Holiday Party

Schuba's Tavern Chicago, Illinois, United States
Lo-Fi Beats
Nigerian Pop
Vapor Pop
Igbo Pop
Show more genres
2015 1 concert
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
 Roaring Blue
 Johnny Numba5
 Lisa Kates

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