Speedball Baby's 2002 Concert Photos

SPEEDBALL BABY come at you all tumble-grind and twang-beat like thunder in a blizzard. Fusing the primordial slurp of rockabilly with a broken-homegrown hybrid of gospel testimony and punk mayhem, the group cuts a swath through the rotting cane fields of the contemporary music scene. Live, they harness hysteria - pounding out a thrown drink conniption fit as exuberant as a St. Vitas dance. Their shows have earned them the loyalty of music lovers and emergency room ghouls on both coasts and between.

20 Miles / Speedball Baby on Nov 23, 2002 [548-small]

20 Miles / Speedball Baby
Nov 23, 2002
 Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
  Uploaded by Conor Talbot

2002 1 photo

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