Rockfour's 1987 Concert History

Israeli psych rock quartet RockFour are tough to pigeon-hole. Formed in the Tel Aviv suburb of Holon, they began playing together during military service, and developed a repertoire of original songs in Hebrew and English. Tipping their berets to the Moody Blues, Teardrop Explodes and The Zombies, RockFour convincingly married The Byrds & Bowie, updating it with 21st century panache. In 2000, four albums in, RockFour made the controversial switch...

Date Concert Venue Location
May 30, 1987
Hunter / Crypton / The Warning / Rockfour / Cocker Band

1 SV Viktoria Open Air

Sportgelände Lambsheim, Germany
Indie Rock
Psychedelic Rock
Progressive Rock
Israeli Rock
Classic Israeli Pop
Show more genres
2007 10 concerts
2002 9 concerts
1987 1 concert
 Shane M. White

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