Michelle Webb Concert History

"Ever since I could remember, I have always been in love with the guitar. I just always felt like it was an extension of who I am !" recalls Washington DC guitar and multi-string instrumentalist, Michelle Webb. Webb is a restless collaborator who is engaged in exploring and extending the boundaries of her instruments. Michelle Webb's guitar playing is often described as incredibly creative and innovative. A FORCE OF NATURE. Her playing is visceral, with a expressionistic approach to creating timbre and velocities.

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 14, 2007
Norcal Noisefest XI
Big City Orchestra / Art Lessing & The Flower Vato / Instagon / Tarantism / The Bran (...) Pos / Mykel Boyd / +Dog+ / Lords of Outland / Winters in Osaka / Kawaiietley Please / Michelle Webb / Hypnotic Injection / Night Nurse / Faults / Delayed Sleep / Florescent Grey / The Trashumans Show all bands
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Oct 04, 2003
Norcal Noisefest VII
The Jihad / All Tomorrow's Zombies / Kristal Marimba Lounge / Thomas Helton / Noggin / Thomas Dimuzio / Abstractions / C.J. Reaven Borosque / Instagon / Klondike & York / Michelle Webb / Floyd Diebel
Capitol Garage Sacramento, California, United States
Alt Z
UK Pop
Gen Z Singer-Songwriter
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2007 1 concert
2003 1 concert
 Sacramento Shows

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